[Abstract]:During the 100 years of the 20th century, the socialist political economy revolved around the theory of economic annihilation, whether the socialist political economy was the rational organization of the productive forces or the relations of production, and the Soviet paradigm. There are three schools of non-commodity economy, semi-commodity economy and commodity economy. China's socialist political economy was formed during the third Great debate period, based on the Soviet paradigm of the mainstream school at that time. In the late stage of the third Great controversy, the socialist camp split into two, and the socialist political economy split with it: Russia and Eastern European countries mainly explored how to realize the transition to capitalist society; China's socialist political economy cannot copy western economics, nor does it have similar Soviet paradigm theories to refer to. The way out can only be to explore the theory of socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics from the point of view of the national conditions and to explore the theory of socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics. To realize the transition from ownership economics to division of labor economics.
【作者单位】: 华南师范大学经济与管理学院;
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