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发布时间:2018-12-14 22:25
【摘要】:自然垄断产业规制问题一直是产业经济学领域最为活跃的研究课题之一,也是当前中国经济体制改革的热点问题。自20世纪70年代以来,西方国家在自然垄断领域中掀起了一场声势浩大的规制改革运动,要求在自然垄断产业领域引入竞争机制。自1994年成立中国联合通信有限公司以来,中国在电信等传统自然垄断产业中拉开了规制改革的序幕。 目前中国自然垄断产业的规制改革还停留在政企分开和对原有国家垄断格局的分拆上,所形成的只是形式上的竞争,而对规制改革中最核心的问题:规制什么,规制谁,对谁规制,谁来规制“规制者”等问题并没有真正得到解决。 本文以此为背景,从理论和实践两条主线出发,来分析自然垄断产业放松规制的原因及对策。首先由自然垄断理论的发展推进了人们对自然垄断及其产业有了新的思索,对自然垄断产业与竞争性产业之间的区分,对自然垄断产业中的自然垄断业务和非自然垄断业务之间的划分都有了新的认识;其次政府规制的失灵、规制理论的进步、规制改革的不成熟,都要求我们对原有的规制进行重新思考;结合西方发达国家规制改革的实践和中国规制改革的实际,有必要对自然垄断产业政府规制改革作重新研究,认为自然垄断产业规制改革中放松规制与重新规制必须同步进行。
[Abstract]:The regulation of natural monopoly industry has always been one of the most active research topics in the field of industrial economics. Since the 1970s, Western countries have launched a huge regulatory reform movement in the field of natural monopoly, which requires the introduction of competition mechanism in the field of natural monopoly industry. Since the establishment of China United Communications Co., Ltd. in 1994, China has opened the prologue of regulatory reform in traditional natural monopoly industries such as telecommunications. At present, the regulation reform of China's natural monopoly industry is still in the separation of government and enterprise and the division of the original state monopoly pattern, which forms only formal competition, and the core problem in the regulation reform is: what to regulate, who to regulate, The problems of who regulate and who regulate the regulator have not been solved. Based on this background, this paper analyzes the reasons and countermeasures of deregulation of natural monopoly industry from two main lines of theory and practice. Firstly, with the development of natural monopoly theory, people have a new thinking about natural monopoly and its industry, and the distinction between natural monopoly industry and competitive industry. There is a new understanding of the division between the natural monopoly business and the non-natural monopoly business in the natural monopoly industry. Secondly, the failure of government regulation, the progress of regulation theory and the immaturity of regulation reform require us to rethink the original regulation. Combined with the practice of regulation reform in western developed countries and the reality of regulation reform in China, it is necessary to re-study the government regulation reform of natural monopoly industry. It is considered that deregulation and re-regulation must be carried out simultaneously in the regulation reform of natural monopoly industry.


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