[Abstract]:With the development and application of advanced science and technology, natural resources and ecological environment have been destroyed and ecological crisis appears. People not only pursue economic benefits but also strengthen their attention to ecological environment in order to seek a green and harmonious world. Under this background, the economic data information provided by the traditional accounting system can no longer fully meet the needs of all walks of life, nor can it accurately reflect the symmetrical information between the economic benefits generated and the cost of environmental resources paid. Therefore, the establishment and implementation of green accounting has become an urgent need for sustainable economic development and ecological environment protection. Green accounting is a new branch of accounting with the main purpose of protecting the environment. It helps to alleviate the crisis of ecological environment and promote the construction of resource-saving and environment-friendly society. On the basis of combing the related research results at home and abroad, this paper puts the problem of green accounting into a philosophical perspective. This paper summarizes the background and connotation of green accounting, expounds the ideological origin of green accounting: the western ecological philosophy, the theory of sustainable development, and so on, analyzes the theoretical value of green accounting from the perspectives of nature, values and development, etc. This paper probes into the ideological barriers to the implementation of green accounting in China, such as the erroneous concept of achievement and development of local government officials, the thought of seeking profits from enterprises, the weak awareness of environmental protection among the public and the lagging professional ethics of accounting practitioners. The solutions are as follows: adhere to the view of sustainable development; correct the one-sided view of political achievement; strengthen the sense of environmental protection responsibility of enterprises; change the short-sighted behavior of pursuing profit; strengthen publicity and education to promote accounting practitioners to promote green accounting knowledge and so on. In short, green accounting has important theoretical value, the development of green accounting in China is to meet the needs of the development of the times; we should remove obstacles to promote the implementation of green accounting in our country.
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