[Abstract]:Bilateral market is a new topic in the theory of industrial organization. The difference between bilateral markets and multi-product or oligopolistic monopolies in traditional microeconomics is that in the case of traditional multi-product monopolies and oligopoly, all products are facing the same consumer group. Externalities between different products will eventually be internalized by end users. Different products in the bilateral market are facing different consumer groups. The interaction between the two sides of the market creates a strong complementarity, but the externalities resulting from this will not be internalized by the end users. Most of the markets with network externalities have bilateral or multilateral characteristics. When the manufacturers in this market offer complementary products to both sides of the market, it is necessary not only to consider the price level, but also to choose the appropriate price structure. Most of the existing research on bilateral market is limited to static game, and the transfer cost, which is one of the most important factors affecting the decision of end users, is ignored. But in fact, the transfer cost is one of the important reasons for the lock-in. To some extent, the transfer cost strengthens the network externality. In this paper, the Rochet-Tirole (2001) model is extended by introducing the transfer cost, and the platform competition in bilateral markets is discussed in the two-phase case. According to the classical two-stage game analysis method, we obtain the equilibrium solution of the game problem, and determine the optimal price level and the optimal price structure of the platform trader in each period. Proved that the first phase of the market share can bring profits to Taiwan businessmen. The price structure of the platform in the first phase is no longer strictly consistent with the conclusion of Rochet-Tirole (2001). In the first stage, the platform companies tend to adopt a lower price strategy for the end users with transfer costs to gain market share. But the addition of transfer cost can not make the situation of platform business better or worse. The market structure of end-consumer and transfer cost together determine the equilibrium strategy and final income of platform-maker. In addition, comparing with the non-network externality market and the non-transfer cost market, we find that the change of market structure has brought some interesting influence to the choice of plant platform. Taiwan traders are more sensitive to changes in the elasticity of demand on the side of the market with shifting costs.
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