[Abstract]:Marxist political economy is one of the three components of Marxism. As the mainstream ideology, it exists objectively in the theoretical circle of economic thought in our country. The convening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has made Marxist political economy bloom all over China. Whether Marxism or Marxist political economy, in the process of colliding with Chinese social practice, Marxist political economy has become Sinicized. The political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics emerges as the times require, and also indicates that China has entered a new realm of development. Marxist political economy is an important part of Marxism, is the exploration and refinement of the basic theory of Marxism, the theoretical printing in the social reality society. The Communist Party of China has always adhered to Marxism as the guiding ideology, and at all stages of social revolution, historical construction, reform and development, has always closely linked the basic theory of Marxism to Chinese social practice, through scientific economic theory. In line with the national conditions of the distribution system, with the significance of the development of the concept, guide economic practice. The Sinicization of Marxist political economy is the microcosm of China's Marxist political economy, and it is the combination of the practice and development process of China's reform and opening up in the past 30 years, coupled with the common composition of the basic principles of Marxist political economy. Then form the theoretical system of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. Any mature subject is a systematic and rational existence. The Sinicization of Marxist political economy has its own basic theory, its source of creation, and its methodology and subject characteristics. By summing up the above contents, this paper expounds and analyzes the Sinicization of Marxist political economy by scientific means. It is closely linked with the development of Marxism and scientific socialism, especially the socialist economic theory and Chinese social and historical practice, to elaborate on the development of Marxist political economics since the new democracy. In the process of development, the Sinicization of Marxist political economy has reached a new height. The development of any subject will also be a symbiosis of opportunities and challenges. Grasping the opportunities of development and facing the challenges of development will bring vitality to the development of Marxist political economics in China. The ultimate purpose of the organic whole of concept, category, method, principle and development is to establish a systematic new discipline and form a scientific theoretical system, that is, to construct socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics. Based on the basic elaboration of the Sinicization of Marxist political economics and the background of China's national conditions and development practice, this paper intends to reveal the new laws and features of the Chinese economy under the new normal economy. This paper abstracts and summarizes many achievements in the process of China's economic development, and based on social practice, expounds the new "chapter" of Marxist political economy under the background of the new era, and takes innovation and development as the starting point. This paper studies the new ideas, new ideas and strategies under the background of the new era, and forms the primary theoretical system of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.
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