[Abstract]:Rocky desertification restricts the development of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi provinces. Based on the economic and environmental data, remote sensing and GIS are used to obtain the data needed for the energy analysis, and the energy flow of eco-economic systems in typical rocky desertification areas in 2000 and 2009 is calculated by means of the energy analysis method, and the energy analysis table is compiled and the energy flow of the eco-economic system is calculated. The statistical indexes such as the energy value of resources and environment, the energy value of environmental load rate (ELR), the output rate of (EYR), energy value and the output ratio of (EYR), energy value of rocky desertification province are obtained, and the sustainable index (ESI), is further calculated. In 2009, the main resource and environment energy values of Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan were 9.6e 25,1.2E 26,1.5e 26sej respectively, and the renewable resource energy values were 9.9e 22,7.3E 22,2.0E 23sej.In 2009, the main resource environmental energy values of Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan were 9.9e 22,7.3E 22,2.0E 23sej, respectively. The energy value of waste is 2.1 E 22, 1.1 E 22, 1.4 E 22 sej. The results show that both ESI and MSEI in rocky desertification areas are characterized by economic backwardness, and the temporal and spatial evolution trend of ESI (0.07) is significantly lower than the average trend of national ESI (0.41). The sustainable development of rocky desertification areas is slightly better than the national average, and the regional sustainable years are reduced from an average of more than 100 years in 2000 to less than 50 years in 2009.
【作者单位】: 贵州师范学院区域旅游研究所;中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所;
【基金】:国家十二五科技支撑重大项目(2011BAC09B01) 乌当科技局项目(2012乌科技合同字第48号)资助
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