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发布时间:2019-05-14 16:34
[Abstract]:In his book the fall of the Free Market, Steglitz argues that the outbreak of the financial and economic crisis in the United States is due to the intensification of imbalances in contemporary American-style capitalism, embodied in the role of the market and state intervention, individualism and collectivism. The imbalance between man and nature, means and purpose has reached a new level; The crisis has shown that at least this particular version of the capitalist system in the United States is fundamentally flawed. Although he recognized that these imbalances originated from the fundamental defects of the system, he did not say what the fundamental defects were, and believed that change could correct the capitalist system. The author believes that these imbalances are still caused by the basic contradiction of capitalism expounded by Marx, that is, the socialization of production and the fundamental imbalance of capitalist private possession of means of production. No matter how the system changes, it can not solve the imbalance of capitalism, the result can only be the gradual growth of socialist factors, and prepare for the replacement of socialism in the future.
【作者单位】: 山东大学当代社会主义所;


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