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发布时间:2018-01-02 02:15

  本文关键词:湖南省农业综合自然灾害对粮食产量影响的实证分析 出处:《湖南科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 综合自然灾害 波动特征 粮食产量 趋势预测 风险管理

[Abstract]:Hunan Province is a big agricultural province, but also a large population province, the stable production of grain is not only an economic problem. It is also an important guarantee of social stability. The main factor affecting grain production is the cultivated land area. The grain cultivated land area can be protected by state subsidies and control of farmland conversion, but. Besides the area of grain cultivated land, there are many uncertain factors that affect the stability of grain production. Among them, agricultural natural disasters have a great impact on the fluctuation of grain yield. Therefore, the study of agricultural natural disasters should be strengthened. It is very important to reduce the impact on grain yield fluctuation to ensure the stable production of grain in Hunan Province, in order to accurately evaluate the impact of natural disasters on grain production. Based on the data of comprehensive natural disasters and grain production in Hunan Province from 1978 to 2013, this paper calculates the disaster rate, disaster success rate, disaster and abnormal index of agricultural comprehensive natural disasters in Hunan Province. The fluctuation index of grain production and comprehensive natural disaster rate fluctuation index. The analysis found that Hunan Province agricultural comprehensive natural disasters are mainly general disasters, followed by severe disasters. And with the passage of time. The frequency of disasters is obviously accelerated, and the degree of disasters is also significantly increased. In some specific years, the disaster occurrence rate is greater than the disaster rate. It shows that the agricultural comprehensive natural disaster resistance of Hunan Province is relatively weak. The total grain output of Hunan Province as a whole is on the rise. However, the impact of natural disasters fluctuates greatly. Based on the comprehensive natural disasters in Hunan Province and the fluctuation characteristics of total grain production in Hunan Province. The VAR model is used to analyze the correlation between the fluctuation of grain production and comprehensive natural disasters in Hunan Province. The variation trend of grain yield fluctuation index and comprehensive natural disaster fluctuation index in Hunan Province in the next 7 years are forecasted. It is found that there is a negative correlation and lag between grain production and comprehensive natural disasters in a certain period of time. The greater the degree of natural disasters, the more serious the decrease of grain production. And the degree of disaster in the future will have a negative impact on food production. Therefore, this paper puts forward comprehensive natural disaster risk management recommendations for Hunan Province. It provides theoretical and practical basis for natural disaster risk management and stability of grain production in Hunan Province.


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