本文关键词:城镇化进程中湖南农村剩余劳动力转移问题研究 出处:《湖南农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 城镇化进程 农村剩余劳动力 劳动力转移 湖南省
[Abstract]:The rural population is gradually transferred to the cities and towns, which makes the number of the rural population decrease sharply, and the social phenomenon of the rapid increase of the urban population is called urbanization. Urbanization is the product of the development of civilization. Marked by social progress. China's typical agricultural country, the number of rural population as high as 900 million. Hunan Province has a large population, abundant labor resources, with the development of the economy. More and more rural population in Hunan Province have been transferred to cities and towns. Although Hunan provincial government, departments and institutions have limited it through different means and methods, the current situation of rural surplus labor transfer has not been effectively improved. The orderly transfer of rural surplus labor can effectively reduce the consumption of social costs and has a positive impact on the rational flow of labor and the steady development of urbanization. The transfer of rural surplus labor has some research value. This paper focuses on the study and analysis of rural surplus labor transfer. And the actual situation of urbanization development in Hunan Province. The full text is composed of five parts. The first part, the research content, methods, ideas, significance and innovation are introduced in detail. The second part. Focus on the transfer of surplus labor force, urbanization development and other concepts, the significance of the transfer of rural surplus labor force to explain, for the following in-depth study laid a solid theoretical foundation. The third part. On the actual situation of urbanization development in Hunan Province, facing difficulties, problems are highlighted, for further research to provide data support. 4th part. This paper analyzes the key factors affecting the transfer of surplus labor force, reasonably selects the factor indicators, and points out the employment proportion of the tertiary industry, the distribution rate of market resources and the urbanization rate by using the statistical variables of the model. The first industry labor productivity, rural human capital, per capita net income of farmers and the amount of rural surplus labor transfer has a positive relationship. And the rural surplus labor transfer quantity and registered unemployment rate is inversely proportional. 5th part, summarized and elaborated the previous research results, and put forward some suggestions in view of the existing problems. It provides a reference for other provinces and cities to promote the development of urbanization, and has some practical research and application value.
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