本文关键词: 农民工市民化 群体分化 社会融合 企业组织 GERT网络 出处:《江苏大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of the national economy of our country, the group differentiation in the process of peasant workers' citizenship has become a prominent problem in the economic development of our country. The differentiation between the migrant workers' groups is mainly manifested in economy and politics. Social status and the differentiation of psychological identity and other aspects, these divisions are closely related to their corporate organizations, different corporate organizational environment makes migrant workers in the way of life, consumption patterns, values. The social performance of social security is more and more different, and the problem of migrant workers' citizenship is on the surface a social phenomenon. In fact, behind the refraction is the problem of enterprise management. Migrant workers are employed by the enterprise or serve the objectives of the organization, the process of citizenship belongs to the scope of enterprise human resources development and management. Migrant workers are the key factors for enterprises to achieve organizational goals, enterprises can not only provide them with the necessary work, development and value realization opportunities. It also plays a key role in the successful realization of citizenship. The main research content of this paper is: on the basis of summarizing the related concepts and research status of migrant workers. This paper constructs the GERT network model based on the degree of urbanization, and identifies the enterprise as the key influence subject in the process of the urbanization of migrant workers, which is the more developed area of economy in the Yangtze River Delta. The industrialization development of Suzhou has an important position in our country, the urbanization construction is also in the forefront of the whole country, the migrant workers from all over the country gather here in large numbers, therefore. The urbanization of migrant workers in Suzhou area has certain representativeness. The present situation of the differentiation of migrant workers groups in Suzhou area is investigated by using the method of questionnaire. This paper compares and analyzes the phenomenon of group differentiation in the process of urbanization of migrant workers in our country at present, and analyzes the influence of enterprise organization on the differentiation of migrant workers in the process of urbanization by using statistical method. Then aiming at the influence factors of enterprise organization differentiation, the paper makes the targeted countermeasures for migrant workers' citizenship. In order to meet the needs of the social integration of different groups of migrant workers, this study draws the following conclusions: migrant workers in the process of citizenship, individual differences in enterprise organization, corporate organizational benefits difference. The differences in the norms of enterprise organization management and the ability of enterprises to acquire social resources play a key role in the differentiation of migrant workers in the process of city citizenship. In the process of social integration of different groups of migrant workers, enterprises play a significant role, enterprises should give full play to the autonomy of management, from their own organizational structure, organizational management. The platform provided by the organization and the social resources owned by the organization to develop and develop migrant workers, to protect their social rights and interests, so that the city of migrant workers in our country on a healthy track to promote smoothly.
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