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发布时间:2018-03-21 16:15

  本文选题:观光农业 切入点:宿州市 出处:《安徽农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The contents of this paper are completed on the basis of the author's participation in the planning and design of Suzhou sightseeing agricultural park, and the construction and later operation of the park. This paper summarizes and summarizes the factors that affect the planning and development of Suzhou sightseeing agricultural park, and puts forward some suggestions. Sightseeing agriculture is a new type of cross industry with agricultural activities as its main body and tourism industry as its main body. China is a large traditional agricultural country. Rich in agricultural resources and a long history of farming culture, it has laid the foundation for the development of sightseeing agriculture. In recent years, with the development of urbanization, more and more urban residents yearn for simple farm life and are eager to get close to nature. Coupled with the inspiration of domestic and foreign cases, tourism agriculture in China has developed rapidly. The development of tourism agriculture meets the needs of urban residents for sightseeing tourism, raises the income level of farmers, and improves the ecological environment in rural areas. It has promoted the transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture. Tourism agriculture has better economic, ecological and social benefits. Suzhou is a big city in traditional agriculture, and in recent years, The development of Suzhou's traditional agriculture is also facing a series of problems. With the development of Suzhou's economic strength and the rapid rise of tourism agriculture, it can effectively solve the existing problems of Suzhou's traditional agriculture. Suzhou is located in the northern plain of Anhui Province. Its natural environment and geographical conditions are typical in the north of Anhui Province, but they are obviously different from the watershed areas of southern Anhui and Jianghuai River and Huaihe River. In the tourism agriculture development has its own unique place, the author hopes through this article analysis, may play the certain promotion function to the Suzhou area sightseeing agriculture park plan and the development. Empirical analysis and other research methods, the concept of tourism agriculture, domestic and foreign research progress, tourism agriculture related theories and other in-depth discrimination. On this basis, The author analyzes and generalizes the development of traditional agriculture and sightseeing agriculture in Suzhou, and points out that the traditional agriculture in Suzhou has the following problems: slow development of agriculture, low ratio of regional agricultural products to total output value, According to the development of Suzhou sightseeing agricultural park, the main sightseeing agricultural park in Suzhou is divided into modern agricultural science park, ornamental agricultural park and production agricultural park. Comprehensive agricultural garden four categories. And select Suzhou Lingbi Nongbo Park and Suzhou Fenghuangdi sightseeing Agricultural Park as the case study. Suzhou Lingbi Nongbo Garden as the author's field investigation cases, Suzhou Fenghuangdi sightseeing Agricultural Park is a case study in which the author also participated in the construction and later operation of the park. Therefore, we have a better understanding of the design plan and basic operation of the Fenghuangdi sightseeing agricultural park. We hope to make the article more specific by analyzing the actual cases in which we are actually involved. The content is more persuasive. Finally, this paper puts forward the discussion and suggestions on the planning and development of Suzhou sightseeing agricultural park, hoping that it will have positive significance to Suzhou sightseeing agriculture and the construction of tourism agriculture park in north Anhui plain area.


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