本文选题:建设用地 切入点:建设用地扩展 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Construction land expansion is the focus of government departments and academia. With the industrialization, urbanization and population growth, the demand for construction land is increasing. In the future, the contradiction between the expansion of construction land and the rigidity of land supply and the protection of cultivated land will be increasingly sharp. The study on the driving force of construction land expansion will be helpful to guide and control the expansion of construction land. It is of great significance for the intensive utilization of land resources and the sustainable development of economy and society. Taking the construction land and related social and economic data of Xi'an city from 2000 to 2013 as raw data, this paper firstly analyzes the present situation and expansion characteristics of construction land in Xi'an city; secondly, qualitatively analyzes the driving force of construction land expansion in Xi'an city; and then uses STIRPAT model. Principal component analysis (PCA) and general least square method are used to quantitatively analyze the driving force of construction land expansion in Xi'an. Finally, the grey GM1 / 1) model is used to predict the scale of construction land and various driving factors in the future. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: (1) the scale of construction land in Xi'an is increasing continuously. The speed and intensity of construction land expansion in Xi'an City from 2000 to 2013 show a similar trend. The expansion of construction land in Xi'an can be divided into four stages. Among the types of construction land, the transportation land is the fastest, the residential and industrial land is the second, and the water conservancy facility land is slightly reduced. In the aspects of population growth, economic development, urbanization process and policy system, the driving force of construction land expansion in Xi'an is theoretically analyzed. This paper reveals the influence mechanism of these five factors on the expansion of construction land in Xi'an, and quantitatively analyzes the driving force of the expansion of construction land in Xi'an from 2000 to 2013. The marginal contribution of each driving factor to the expansion of construction land in Xi'an is calculated. It is concluded that urbanization level, population is the main driving factor of construction land expansion in Xi'an, the per capita green space area, per capita GDP and output value of the secondary industry are all important driving factors. The influence of the whole society fixed asset investment on the area of construction land is relatively small. (4) predict the scale and driving factors of construction land in Xi'an in the future, and carry on quantitative analysis to the driving force of construction land expansion in the future. The results show that the marginal contribution of each driving factor has some changes, but it is consistent with the analysis of the driving force of construction land expansion from 2000 to 2013. According to the research conclusion, it is mainly from land use planning, construction land conservation and intensive utilization. Some policy suggestions on sustainable utilization of construction land in Xi'an are put forward in the aspects of population and urbanization, exploitation of construction land and control of new construction land, optimization of industrial structure and allocation of land resources.
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