本文选题:特色农业 切入点:区域布局 出处:《山西农业大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:Shanxi is not a big grain province, Shanxi's strength lies in its characteristics.In Shanxi Province, located in the eastern part of the Loess Plateau, 80% of the territory is mountainous. It is impossible to develop crop industry on a large scale, produce coarse and eat fine, supply and demand of grain is not balanced, and the bulk grain cannot be self-supporting.However, due to appropriate geographical and natural conditions, Shanxi is very suitable for the development of characteristic agriculture.In recent years, Shanxi has made use of its own advantages to develop agriculture with six major characteristics, such as small grains, dried fruits, vegetable planting, herbivorous animal husbandry, Chinese herbal medicine and seed production. The development momentum is strong, and Shanxi has not only made its own brand and reputation.To a certain extent, it has made up for the gap of its own food security, complementary with other provinces and regions, and increased farmers' income, which is of great significance to maintain social stability and economic development in Shanxi.Based on the detailed investigation of the development advantages and practical conditions of Shanxi characteristic agriculture, this paper adopts a large number of literature analysis methods, qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, as well as summing up induction method.The problems existing in the development of characteristic agriculture in Shanxi are put forward, including the insufficient investment in science and technology, the product quality to be improved, the industrial chain not perfect, the quality of labor force to be improved and the channel of brand development lagging behind.And put forward the development thought of characteristic agriculture in the future, put Shanxi agriculture development orientation on the development characteristic agriculture, put forward the regionalization, rationalization distribution of miscellaneous grain, animal husbandry industry, fruit and vegetable industry and so on each characteristic agriculture, and take the cluster, etc.The way of industrialization is to promote the development of characteristic agriculture, to improve the output and quality of characteristic agriculture, and to realize the purpose of agricultural development and increase of farmers' income.
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