发布时间:2018-04-23 09:42
本文选题:农机合作社 + 发展 ; 参考:《黑龙江八一农垦大学》2015年硕士论文
【摘要】:近年来,随着国家对“三农”工作的不断推进,农机事业的得到了持续发展,农机合作社这种新兴事物也如雨后春笋般在各地出现,在《农民专业合作社法》颁布实施后,农机专业合作社更是蓬勃发展,显示了强大的生命力。2015年中央1号文件强调,扶持发展农村专业合作社,保障农民持续增收,引导农民合作社实现专业化发展。发展现代农机专业合作社是深入实施现代化大农机发展战略的重要组成部分,是推进现代农业发展的有效组织形式,是促进农业规模化经营、标准化生产、社会化服务的重要途径。加快现代农机专业合作社发展,对增强农业科技应用、提高土地产出率、劳动生产率和资源利用率,以及实现农业增产、农民增收、农村增效具有十分重要的现实意义。 鸡西市是农业大市,耕地面积554千公顷,自然条件优越。从2008年开始组建农机专业合作社,目前运营的合作社是19家,存量少、效能低、组织不规范、机制不灵活、土地规模化经营推进缓慢等,已成为制约鸡西市现代农机专业合作社发展瓶颈因素,延缓了区域现代化大农业发展步伐,一直影响着鸡西农机化事业的发展。研究好鸡西农机合作社的健康发展模式,对区域农机事业的发展具有重要意义。 为此本文通过认真查阅文献和实地调查走访,对农机合作社的基本理论、鸡西农机合作社的发展现状、制约鸡西农机专业合作社发展的问题和解决办法进行了研究,探索鸡西农机专业合作社的发展模式和发展方向。在研究方法上采取抽样调查、典型分析、规范研究和实证研究相结合、国内外比较等方法使理论联系实践,更好的服务于生产。 通过本文的研究,为鸡西市农机专业合作社的发展提出具有针对性的对策和建议,对合作社的长远发展提供可借鉴的模式,为服务“三农”,,促进鸡西农业现代化具有重要意义。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous advancement of the country's work on agriculture, rural areas and farmers, the cause of agricultural machinery has been continuously developed, and such new things as agricultural machinery cooperatives have sprung up all over the country. After the promulgation and implementation of the Farmers' specialized Cooperative Law, Agricultural machinery cooperatives are booming, showing a strong vitality. The first document of the Central Committee in 2015 stressed that support for the development of rural specialized cooperatives, to ensure that farmers continue to increase income, guide farmers cooperatives to achieve professional development. The development of modern agricultural machinery cooperatives is an important part of the development strategy of modern agricultural machinery, an effective organizational form to promote the development of modern agriculture, and to promote large-scale agricultural management and standardized production. The important way of socialized service. Speeding up the development of modern agricultural machinery cooperatives is of great practical significance for strengthening the application of agricultural science and technology, improving the productivity of land, labor productivity and resource utilization, as well as realizing agricultural production, increasing farmers' income and increasing efficiency in rural areas. Jixi City is a large agricultural city, arable land area of 554 million hectares, natural conditions superior. Since 2008, a professional cooperative for agricultural machinery has been set up. At present, there are 19 cooperatives in operation, with small stock, low efficiency, irregular organization, inflexible mechanism, slow promotion of large-scale land management, etc. It has become a bottleneck factor to restrict the development of modern agricultural machinery cooperatives in Jixi City, which has delayed the pace of regional modernization and affected the development of agricultural mechanization in Jixi City. It is of great significance to study the healthy development mode of Jixi Agricultural Machinery Cooperative. In this paper, the basic theory of agricultural machinery cooperative, the present development situation of Jixi agricultural machinery cooperative, the problems and solutions of restricting the development of Jixi agricultural machinery specialized cooperative are studied through careful reference of literature and field investigation. To explore the development model and development direction of Jixi Agricultural Machinery Cooperative. In the research methods, sampling survey, typical analysis, normative research and empirical research, domestic and foreign comparison and other methods to make the theory linked to practice, better service in production. Through the research of this paper, the author puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions for the development of agricultural machinery specialized cooperative in Jixi city, provides the model for the long-term development of the cooperative, and serves the "three rural areas". It is of great significance to promote the agricultural modernization of Jixi.
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