本文选题:“三权分置” + 承包经营权 ; 参考:《世界农业》2017年10期
[Abstract]:In the new period, the focus on the management right of rural contracted land shows that on the issue of mortgage of management right of rural contracted land, it is a necessary prerequisite to design the system of rural land mortgage by cost-benefit analysis. " After the mode of separation of three rights is adopted, there are different understandings and blind areas in solving the mortgage problem of the management right of contracted land. It is urgent to define the limits of responsibility of property right distribution under economics by means of power distribution and legal framework. Legalize it. Under the guidance of the dual subject background of economics as a method and law as an object, the design of the mortgage system of household contracted land is the cognitive obstacle after the realization of the type contract land mortgage, considering the benefit and system value of the law and economics. Then, from the perspective of the qualifications of mortgagors, the object, scope and realization of the mortgage, this paper analyzes the system of management right mortgage, and then proves the benefit of the timely introduction of trust management to the full utilization of farmland resources with the theory of cost benefit. In order to set up the supporting system of land management right mortgage after breaking through legislative obstacles.
【作者单位】: 中国地质大学(武汉)公共管理学院;
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