本文选题:东鳌鹿业集团 + SWOT分析法 ; 参考:《吉林大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:With the continuous and stable development of our economy and the improvement of the living standard of the residents, the requirements of people's quality of life and health have also changed, especially the "deer products" have become the new object of people's healthy consumption. As the characteristic industry of Jilin Province, deer industry not only brings rich profits to deer farmers, but also makes great contribution to the economic development of Jilin Province. However, in recent years, the development of Jilin deer industry has encountered bottlenecks: not only by the traditional understanding and ideas, but also by the variety and technology constraints. In addition, foreign deer products are quietly entering the Chinese market by virtue of their low cost advantages. These factors not only affect the development of deer industry in Jilin Province, but also hinder the growth of Jilin economy under the new normal condition. How to break through the bottleneck of the deer industry in Jilin Province and find out a characteristic road of sustainable development has always been a major issue puzzling the people of Jilin deer industry, and it is also an urgent problem that should be solved by the Dongao Deer Industry Group of Jilin Province at present. Based on the background of deer industry development in China, this paper studies the development strategy of deer industry in Jilin Province by using SWOT analysis method, investigation method, interview method, induction and comparison method, literature research and other methods. And elaborated Jilin Province Dong'ao deer industry group development strategy. The main research work of this paper is as follows: 1. Firstly, the background and significance of the topic selection are introduced, the research status and development strategy of deer industry are expounded, and the main research contents, research methods, technical routes and innovation points are introduced. This paper summarizes the relevant theories of enterprise development strategy, including related concepts and Porter's competition theory, Hall's development strategy theory, market segmentation strategy theory and so on, and puts forward the analysis method of enterprise's strategic environment. A brief introduction to the Dongao Deer Industry Group of Jilin Province, including the background, basic situation, and brief introduction of its subsidiaries, etc. The market sales situation and organizational culture of the Dongao Deer Industry Group in Jilin Province are statistically analyzed. The situation of human resources and the problems and shortcomings in the management of Dongao Lu Industry Group are analyzed and evaluated, which provides the basis for the study of the new strategy. Analysis on the Development Strategic Environment of Jilin Dongao Luye Group. This paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the development of Dongao Lu Industry Group by using SWOT analysis, analyzes the opportunities and challenges faced by Dongao Deer Industry Group, and provides a reliable basis for reformulating the strategic plan of Dongao Lu Industry Group. Jilin Province Dongao deer industry group development strategy orientation and goal. According to the results of the previous analysis, the original development strategy of Dongao Luye Group is rectified. According to the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise itself, the opportunities and challenges are analyzed, and the development strategy .6suitable for Dongao Luye Group is formulated. Jilin Province Dong'ao deer industry group development strategy implementation suggestion.
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