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发布时间:2018-06-28 13:59

  本文选题:土地整治 + 重心移动 ; 参考:《中国生态农业学报》2017年12期

[Abstract]:By analyzing the distribution characteristics of land regulation projects in different spatial scales, this paper can provide a decision reference for making the next stage of land regulation planning and optimizing spatial layout. Based on the data of land remediation projects in 2011-2015, the distribution characteristics of land reclamation projects in Sichuan Province at different spatial scales were discussed by using variation coefficient method, barycenter model method and spatial autocorrelation model method. The characteristics of the shift of gravity center and the evolution of spatial pattern are analyzed. The results show that: (1) from the perspective of time dimension, the total amount of land remediation projects in Sichuan Province shows a downward trend, the absolute scale of projects is different, the difference of relative scale gradually decreases, and presents an equalization trend. (2) Land remediation projects in different spatial scales have different characteristics. At the regional level, the land regulation projects are concentrated in the hilly agricultural land reclamation areas in the basin; at the municipal level, the projects are mainly concentrated in Chengdu and Yibin, while in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture and Panzhihua City are less distributed. (3) all the barycenter points in the trajectory of gravity center are located in the basin hilly agricultural land regulation area. The spatial distribution has a certain geographical balance. (4) the distribution of land renovation projects in the county scale has a relatively significant agglomeration. The high-high agglomeration area is mainly concentrated in the northeast of the hilly agricultural land regulation area in the basin, and the low-low agglomeration area is mainly distributed in the northwest Sichuan alpine high-high primordial ecological regulation area. Due to the influence of social economy, population, topographic conditions and policies in the project area, the spatial and temporal balance of land regulation projects in Sichuan Province needs to be further improved. The study made it clear that the focal point of land regulation planning in Sichuan Province is in the hilly agricultural land regulation area of the basin. The future development direction of land regulation lies in developing the agricultural land regulation area in the mountain valley in the southwest of Sichuan Province in a timely and appropriate manner. The land regulation in the alpine and highland ecological control area of northwest Sichuan is beneficial to optimize the land spatial development and utilization pattern in Sichuan Province.
【作者单位】: 四川农业大学管理学院;四川农业大学资源学院;


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