[Abstract]:Democracy at the grass-roots level in rural areas is an important part of the construction of socialist political civilization. After years of unremitting efforts, the level of democracy in rural areas in China has been continuously improved. Basically, the grass-roots government administration and the grass-roots level of people's autonomy are joined together as well as the grass-roots democratic political structure. Village committees are villagers' autonomous organizations, involving villagers' public organizations. The important decision of the interests is decided by the village committee. The village committee is an important platform and support for the villagers' democratic decision-making. The election of the village committee is an important part of the villagers' autonomous activities. The autonomy of the villagers and the degree of the realization of the autonomy of the villagers depend on the realization and Realization of the villagers' right to participate in the election of the village committee. With the increasing level of rural economic development in these years, the villagers' consciousness of autonomy is constantly awakening and the enthusiasm for participating in the election of villagers committees has been unprecedentedly high, which has greatly improved the level of democratic development in rural grass-roots. However, there are some problems in the election of villagers' committees in China. The problems of unfair and opaque lifting in the lifting of the villagers' willingness to participate in the election, especially for the low income villagers, are considered as a form of election, so they are in a passive position in the election, which further leads to the marginalization of the low-income farmers in the election, and their demands are often ignored, forming a kind of evil. In this context, in this context, this paper takes farmers in Lianshui County of Jiangsu Province as the research object, through random sampling survey of farmers, combined with the knowledge of political science, management, sociology and other disciplines, according to the relevant theories of democratic construction, comprehensive use of literature research, case study, investigation, empirical research and other methods, based on "research hypothesis, research and verification," On the basis of constructing the econometric model, the paper discusses the influence of farmers' income on the willingness of farmers to participate in the election of villagers, and focuses on the main factors affecting the participation of the middle and low income farmers in the election of villagers committees, and puts forward some suggestions and suggestions to improve the participation rate of the grass-roots farmers' election and build a grass-roots democratic system, and make clear that Lianshui county has not been able to do so. The paper is composed of six parts: the first chapter is the purpose and significance of the research, the research trends at home and abroad, the research content and methods, the technical route, etc., which leads to the subject of research, clarifies the importance of the research, combs the research status at home and abroad, and advances the research methods used in the article writing. The basic line of writing is outlined. The second chapter reviews the development of democratic construction at the grass-roots level in China, focuses on the theoretical process of economic development and democratic construction, discusses the economic background of the course of democratic development, and the third chapter is the analysis of the spatial difference of the economic development level in Lianshui County, and discusses the Lianshui County by the township as a unit. The imbalance of economic development lays the foundation for the analysis of the spatial difference of democracy construction. The fourth chapter is based on the status of economic development in the county, the income structure of farmers, the status of the election of village committees, the income gap between urban and rural residents, the influence of the economic development differences on the democratic construction of the grass-roots level, and the fifth chapter based on the influence of the rural democratic legal system construction and economic development level. On the basis of the questionnaire survey, the influence of household income on the willingness of grass-roots democratic participation in Lianshui county is discussed from the sources of income, income, area and identity, and the sixth chapter discusses the direction of democratic construction in the rural grass-roots level in the future. The main conclusions of this study are as follows: (1) and the whole country In other regions, the willingness to participate in democratic elections in Lianshui county is positively related to the income level, and the level of democratic development at the grass-roots level in towns such as the town of Gao Gou and Zhu code is better. (2) the income level of farmers is the main factor affecting the grass-roots democratic participation, and the farmers' annual income of more than 20 thousand yuan per capita is selected. The participation rate has increased obviously, while the farmers whose per capita annual income is below 5000 yuan are basically unwilling to participate in the election, and the demands of these farmers have no opportunity to express, but the rejection and low participation of the elections further lead to the degree of marginalization, and the future development is in a vicious circle; (3) the origin of farmers' income affects the participation of democratic elections. The survey shows that the higher the income of non-agricultural income, the larger the farmer's income, the wider its vision, more attention to its own value and development, and higher demand for democracy. When the non-agricultural income reaches more than 75%, the farmers are not only keen to participate in the election, but also expect to be candidates, such farmers have a high enthusiasm for the management of democracy at the grass-roots level; (4) from grass-roots democracy. The results of the construction satisfaction survey show that the rural villagers, migrant workers, the high proportion of non farm income people have lower satisfaction on democratic construction, and have a strong willingness to change grassroots democracy. In particular, the new generation labor force has a stronger sense of responsibility for the individual consciousness and community development. Based on this, this study thinks that the farmers in Lianshui county have a strong sense of responsibility. In the future development of grass-roots democracy in the village, we should give full play to the willingness of the new generation of labor force, promote the democratic construction on the basis of the non agricultural industry, especially optimize the electoral process, and increase the publicity so as to effectively realize the democracy at the grass-roots level.
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