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发布时间:2018-07-29 11:30
[Abstract]:With the continuous development of agricultural economy in China, the new agricultural management subjects, represented by large farmers, farmers' specialized cooperatives, family farms and leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, have increasingly shown great vitality and vitality. And has become the main force in the development of modern agriculture in China. However, due to the small scale of the new agricultural main body, the lack of effective collateral, the poor benefit of the operation, the lack of standard operation, the weak ability to resist risks, and the high risk caused by the weakness of the agricultural industry and natural disasters. In the process of development, most of the new agricultural management subjects still face many problems and challenges, especially the difficulty of financing, the dispersion of risks and the unsound compensation mechanism, which can not be effectively solved for a long time. It has become the bottleneck restricting the sustainable development of the new agricultural management subject. Financial innovation can bring new impetus and vitality to financial system, and it can bring positive effect to economic development. Therefore, it is necessary and realistic to explore how to use financial innovation to solve the financing difficulties and risk management of new agricultural operators. Generally speaking, there are many reasons leading to the difficulty of financing the new agricultural management body. This paper mainly uses mathematical model to deduce that the theoretical reasons for the difficulty in financing are the shortage of mortgage collateral, the easy use of bank fees and the large opportunity cost of banks. At the same time, using official data and research results to analyze the actual reasons for financing difficulties: first, the main body of new agricultural management has its own non-standard internal management, the recovery period of funds is long and the benefit is low. Second, from the perspective of financial institutions, the structure of credit funds is misplaced, and the services of financial institutions in rural areas are single. The lagging development of agricultural insurance and the insufficient guarantee function of guarantee agencies will constrain the conclusion of credit contracts; third, from the government's point of view, The difficulty of mortgage of land contract management right and the lack of government policy support are obstacles to the financing of new agricultural management subjects. In addition, the main bodies of new agricultural operations also face natural disaster risks, market risks, social risks and technical risks in their production and operation. In order to ensure operational efficiency, they usually take some measures to avoid risks. However, the risk management ability of the new agricultural management main body is not strong and the effect is not good because of the weakness of risk consciousness, the limited risk management means and the lack of internal management personnel. Based on the above, more efforts should be taken to increase financial innovation in order to effectively support the development of new types of agricultural operators: first, we should increase innovation in financial products and services, including continuous exploration of credit products, development of diversified insurance types and innovative guarantee models, Second, accelerate the construction of agricultural insurance system, perfect the rural credit guarantee system, strengthen the external risk compensation led by the government, and establish and perfect the risk management mechanism of the new agricultural management body. Third, strengthen the interbank cooperation of financial institutions, urge them to give play to their comparative advantages and broaden the financing channels of new agricultural operators.


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