[Abstract]:With the development of society, people's need for life is not only to eat and dress well, but also to eat and dress well, even to eat healthy. Nowadays, food safety problems, including agricultural food safety, are becoming more and more serious. Food safety has never been the focus of academic research, and has always been a major concern of the political community. This study relies on the Mengzhou agricultural product quality and safety traceability system as the object of empirical investigation, and carries out a comprehensive investigation on the Mengzhou agricultural product quality and safety traceability system fairly and fairly. The author makes a comprehensive investigation and study to find out the root of the problem and to solve it, and tries to provide practical summary and countermeasure support. First of all, through the field investigation and research on Mengzhou City, we find that there are some problems in the process of constructing the tracing system of the quality and safety of agricultural products in Mengzhou City. That is: incomplete traceability of agricultural products; inaccurate traceability information; low popularity of traceability system. Secondly, through the in-depth study of the problem, it is found that the reasons of the problem mainly lie in the incomplete construction of the traceability system, the non-standard market marking, and the insufficient propaganda of the system. Finally, based on the experience of successful model, the countermeasures and suggestions of constructing Mengzhou agricultural product quality and safety traceability system are summarized. Namely: perfect the field-table information input, increase the training and purify the market unified standard and so on. Through the in-depth investigation in this paper, the conclusion is drawn: first, the establishment of a traceability system for agricultural products can improve the quality of agricultural products; second, the ontology of the traceability system of agricultural products quality and safety is agricultural products. The development of traceability system should be designed according to the local conditions, and the factors such as agricultural products, personnel quality, geographical location and supporting facilities should be fully considered. Third, the government should strengthen the support to the traceability system of agricultural product quality and safety, especially the local government should assume the responsibility in the development and construction of the system. The expected innovation of this paper: previous researches on the tracing system of the quality and safety of agricultural products in Mengzhou City are based on agricultural products, and this paper takes the traceability system as the research object.
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