[Abstract]:A structured interview was conducted among 201 sample farmers in 7 villages in Gaocheng District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, in order to obtain first-hand information about the willingness of homestead withdrawal after farmers gave up the right to operate farmland. In order to understand the different economic development conditions, farmers' willingness to withdraw from the homestead after giving up the farmland management and quantitative analysis of the factors affecting the homestead withdrawal. This paper mainly analyzes the influencing factors of the homestead withdrawal intention of the farmers who give up the farmland management right from three aspects: family characteristics, income structure and asset characteristics by using the dual Logistic regression model. The results show that the proportion of the willingness to withdraw from the homestead is 36, and the factors that influence the willingness of the farmers to withdraw from the homestead include the number of the family population and the number of family dependents in the family characteristics, the transfer payment in the income structure of the farmers. The number of buildings, the replacement cost of buildings, the holding of urban housing and the replacement cost of homestead in the asset characteristics are positive, and the influence of the number of family dependents and urban residential holdings is positive, and the direction of other factors is negative. Therefore, the paper puts forward the corresponding policies to guide the rural households to withdraw from their homestead, that is, to establish a diversified housing security system, to establish a compensation mechanism for homestead withdrawal, and to issue the rural housing construction standards and restrictions. The withdrawal of farmers will gradually be brought into the urban social security system.
【作者单位】: 河北师范大学资源与环境科学学院;河北省城乡规划设计研究院;
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