[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of people's quality of life and the improvement of dietary requirements, freshness has become a major factor in the purchase of fresh agricultural products. The pre-cooling process of fresh agricultural products is the first one kilometer process of cold chain. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of cold chain network of fresh agricultural products, and then face the fresh agricultural products. Based on the above background, this paper mainly studies the cold chain network layout of fresh agricultural products, and solves the problem of the lack of the cold chain network of fresh agricultural products. By reading a large number of domestic and foreign literatures on the cold chain network layout, this paper expounds the concepts of cold chain logistics and cold chain "the first one kilometer", analyzes the characteristics of cold chain logistics, briefly introduces the network layout model, analyzes the differences between the set coverage model, the maximum coverage model and the P-median model, and the network. This paper expounds the algorithm of network layout, introduces the concept, characteristics and layout model of "first one kilometer" cold chain, then analyzes the network layout of "first one kilometer" cold chain for fresh agricultural products, and analyzes the network nodes and transportation routes of "first one kilometer" cold chain network for fresh agricultural products. This paper summarizes two important nodes in the "first kilometer" cold chain network of fresh agricultural products: the node providing cold chain service and the peripheral demand points; secondly, it summarizes the requirements of the whole "first kilometer" cold chain network layout by the cold chain network nodes and peripheral demand points providing services. The first one kilometer cold chain network layout objectives and principles, and from three aspects of transportation, policy and natural environment analysis of fresh agricultural products "first one kilometer" cold chain network layout factors; then according to the characteristics of each network layout model, the minimum total cost of cold chain network as the goal of the aggregate coverage model as this paper Studying the layout model of the "first one kilometer" cold chain network of fresh agricultural products, and choosing the heuristic algorithm to solve the model, choosing the recommended solution to the solution set and determining the optimal layout scheme; finally taking A County as an example, the "first one kilometer" cold chain network layout of fresh agricultural products in this county is studied and verified. The effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model and algorithm.
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