[Abstract]:China has entered an aging society ahead of schedule. Whether or not we can solve the problem of aging before we become rich will be a major test for the smooth realization of China's modernization. If China can make full use of the advantages of collective land ownership and fully develop family agriculture based on one household, and support agriculture for the elderly in all aspects of resources and policies, Family farming combined with land could greatly alleviate China's crisis of becoming old before becoming rich. Family agriculture in China has the ability not only to solve food security problems, but also to solve the employment and basic income problems of a large rural population. Family agriculture, which combines the rural elderly with the land, is an important advantage for China to cope with the aging society. For a long time to come, the country should support and develop the family agriculture, rather than promote the development of agricultural scale management.
【作者单位】: 华中科技大学中国乡村治理研究中心;
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