[Abstract]:Vegetable is an important agricultural product in our country, and its quality and safety concern the national economy and people's livelihood. At present, the quality and safety problems of vegetable products in our country are still very extensive and serious, the source of the problem vegetables is not clear, the responsibility is not clear, and the enterprise lacks effective information management means to the vegetable planting base management. Consumers lack effective and reliable access to information on vegetable purchases. Therefore, a vegetable base management system based on traceability technology is constructed from the point of view of information technology. The design of vegetable traceability code, the development environment of the system, business process and main functions are introduced in detail. The vegetable safety management mode guided by regulation control was expounded. With the development and application of the system, the internal traceability of "problem vegetable" is realized, and the consumers inquire the vegetable traceability information through mobile phone, which provides the information tool for the quality management of the base planting for the vegetable enterprise. It provides a traceability system solution for the government.
【作者单位】: 福建省农业科学院植物保护研究所;福建省农业科学院数字农业研究所;福建省农业科学院;
【基金】:国家星火计划项目(2015GA720005) 福建省区域重大项目(2014N3003)资助
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