[Abstract]:Rural land circulation is an important link in invigorating rural land assets. Based on the policy text of rural land circulation since China's reform and opening up, this paper classifies the policy of rural land circulation in China. Through quantitative analysis, the evolution characteristics of the rural land transfer policy in China are obtained, which are as follows: (1) the rural land circulation is actively guided by the state policy and the rural land circulation procedure is becoming more and more standardized; (2) the rural land circulation policy always emphasizes the stable land contract relationship, the land ownership and the agricultural use of land remain unchanged, the protection of farmers' rights and interests and the principle of voluntary compensation according to law; (3) the system of rural land rights is becoming more and more clear, the land ownership is gradually realized, and the three rights of land management are divided, (4) the policy of rural land transfer is closely related to the rural areas, agricultural development and the increase of farmers' income; (5) the implementation of land transfer policy emphasizes the function of market and the function of government management and service.
【作者单位】: 南开大学经济与社会发展研究院;对外经济贸易大学统计学院;天津北方石油有限公司;
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