[Abstract]:Land is the foundation of human existence. Land is closely related to the development of economy, the progress of human society and the accumulation of wealth. The economic development of Shandong Province has entered the new normal period, which is in the period of economic growth shift and structural adjustment. The demand for land resources and the structure of utilization have undergone new changes. Therefore, in the current stage of development, how to achieve a good economic and social development and land resources to achieve sustainable use of the balance, still need to be solved. This paper summarizes the views of scholars on the evaluation theory, index system and method construction of sustainable land use. According to the characteristics of "new normal" of current economy in Shandong Province, the importance of land elements is studied in 1987-2009, which can represent different stages of economic development, from the angle of view of "transformation of economic development mode". Based on this perspective, the evaluation index system of land sustainable use is constructed from three aspects of land economy function, land use structure intensive and social harmonious development, and the entropy method is used. Multi-factor comprehensive evaluation model and obstacle factor analysis method are used to analyze the sustainable land use status and main limiting factors in Shandong Province from 1987 to 2009. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. With the development of economy, the relationship between land, as one of the factors of production, and economic growth is on the rise, and the correlation between capital and labor force as a factor of production and GDP is weakening. It shows that in each stage of economic development, land, as a factor of production, plays an important role in economic development, and in the process of economic development, the contribution rate of land is increasing. 2. Through entropy weight method and multi-factor comprehensive evaluation method, the total degree index of sustainable land use in Shandong Province is calculated. The evaluation results are as follows: the sustainable degree of land use in Shandong Province is on the rise as a whole. Its value rose from 0.189 in 1987 to 0. 798 in 2009. However, according to the analysis of the abstract characteristic table of land use in different economic development stages, the sustainable degree of land use is not in harmony with the level of economic development. 3. Through the single index analysis method to diagnose the obstacle factors of sustainable land use in Shandong Province, the main influencing factors are determined as follows: the efficiency of industrial land, the value of land use in tertiary industry, and the order of frequency and frequency. The gross retail volume of land, the productivity of construction land, the increase of land use for industry above scale, and the fixed assets are the main obstacles to sustainable land use in Shandong Province.
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