本文关键词: 文化产业 产业安全评价 粗糙集 层次分析法 电影产业 出处:《安徽工程大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:As a sunrise industry in the new century, cultural industry has the characteristics of low pollution, low energy consumption and high income. The Fifth Plenary session of the 18 CPC Central Committee clearly proposed that "the cultural industry should become the pillar industry of the national economy" as the "13th Five-Year Plan" of our country. A major objective of economic and social development in the last ten years. The average annual growth rate of the added value of China's cultural industry is 21%, which is far higher than the growth rate of the gross national product (GNP) of 9.7%. It can be seen that China's cultural industry has gradually become a new engine for the development of the national economy, but China's cultural industry started relatively late, in the process of rapid development, there are weak competitiveness and small scale of enterprises. A series of safety problems, such as low industrial concentration, seriously affect the sustainable development of cultural industry in China. Therefore, it is urgent to evaluate the safety of cultural industry in China. It is urgent to construct a set of scientific evaluation index system and evaluation method for the safety of cultural industry in China. It can be seen that the cultural industry and industrial safety evaluation is mainly carried out, even if there are a small number of studies involving cultural industry safety evaluation, but the degree of agreement with cultural industry is not enough, did not combine the characteristics of cultural industry. Many studies only stay at the theoretical level, lack of quantitative research of cultural industry. This paper based on the industrial safety evaluation index system, based on the basic principles of the evaluation index system construction. According to the characteristics of cultural industry, this paper constructs the evaluation index system of cultural industry safety from the economic perspective, and reduces the established index system based on rough set, and obtains 24 key indicators, that is, the ability to generate the competitiveness of cultural industry. Cultural industry ecological environment, cultural industry international competitiveness, cultural industry control and cultural industry external dependence degree of five indicators. The use of AHP to give the index weight, in order to avoid the impact of subjective factors. At the same time, we use entropy weight method to modify the weight, and adopt a reasonable evaluation method of cultural industry safety, and divide the security state of cultural industry into five levels. Based on the establishment of the cultural industry safety evaluation index system and evaluation method, due to the wide range of cultural industry. This article uses the cultural industry subdivision industry film industry to carry on the case analysis. Through the correlation statistics website movie industry data collection. According to the safety evaluation index data of China's film industry from 2010 to 2016, this paper evaluates the security situation of China's film industry, and aims at the safety problems of the film industry reflected in the evaluation results. The scientific countermeasures to promote the healthy development of the film industry are put forward.
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