本文关键词: 文化产业 创新 发展 机理 对策 出处:《东北大学》2014年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In the report of the 18 National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was clearly proposed that the cultural industry should be developed into a "pillar industry of the national economy" and that China should be built into a "socialist cultural power." at present, the global cultural industry competition is constantly intensifying. The development of China's cultural industry is facing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. In the contemporary society, where economic development is driven by constant innovation, the development of cultural industry is studied and promoted from the perspective of cultural industry innovation. This paper defines cultural industry as cultural products which meet the needs of people's spiritual life, including creation and production, through the excavation, collation, processing and large-scale production of cultural resources. A series of related activities, such as communication, consumption, etc., to realize the comprehensive economic, cultural, social and political development of a country or region. The cultural industry has the common characteristics of the industry. Based on artificial natural process theory, local knowledge theory, world 3 theory and cultural theory, this paper proposes that cultural industry has the common characteristics of scale, structure, transformation and profitability. At the same time, it has some particularities, such as local, circular, symbolic, political, etc. The innovation of cultural industry refers to speeding up the transformation of cultural resources to cultural products, starting from the characteristics of cultural industry, using the combination of innovation. Cultural industry innovation is a systematic concept, which consists of three subsystems: technological innovation, institutional mechanism innovation and content innovation. The development of cultural industry is to realize scientific development in cultural industry. The following four aspects are included: first, to realize the comprehensive development of the cultural industry; second, to realize the coordination of the development of the cultural industry; third, to strengthen the scientific development of the cultural industry; third, to achieve the coordination of the development of the cultural industry; and third, to strengthen the scientific development of the cultural industry. Achieving sustainability in the development of the cultural industry; 4th, This paper makes theoretical analysis and practical consideration on the innovation of cultural industry to promote the development of cultural industry. The effectiveness of cultural industry innovation in promoting the development of cultural industry is reflected in two aspects: first, The cultural industry innovation to the cultural industry universal existence contradiction solution; second, The mechanism of cultural industrial innovation to promote the development of cultural industry is analyzed from three aspects: technological innovation is the fundamental motive force for the development of cultural industry; The innovation of system and mechanism is the guarantee of the development of cultural industry, and the innovation of content is the core of the development of cultural industry. And put forward countermeasures and suggestions, completed the cultural industry innovation to promote the development of cultural industry, cultural industry innovation to promote the development of cultural industry, to enrich and deepen the philosophy of industrial innovation, It is of great value to promote the sustainable development of cultural industry.
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