本文选题:文化产业 切入点:现状 出处:《南昌大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The cultural industry has developed rapidly all over the world and has become one of the pillar industries of national economy in many countries and regions. With the development of social economy and the change of people's cultural concept, China's cultural industry is playing a more and more important role in the national economy. Hunan Province's cultural industry has developed vigorously, especially in the publishing industry, radio, television and film industries. The development of cultural leisure industry is at the forefront of the whole country. At present, the method of deviation-share analysis has been widely used in the study of regional industrial structure and competitiveness. However, the use of this method to study the cultural industry is still relatively few, in view of the current deviation from the method of share analysis of the region and industry gaps, This paper studies the structure and competitiveness of the cultural industry in Hunan Province by using the method of deviation-share analysis, and puts forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions in order to enable the rapid development of the cultural industry in Hunan Province. Firstly, this paper introduces the connotation of the cultural industry. Characteristics and related theoretical basis, then the overall evaluation of Hunan cultural industry development, first from the total scale, structural status, product status and market main body four aspects of Hunan cultural industry development of the basic status. It also analyzes the contribution of Hunan's cultural industry to economic growth, and has a general grasp of the present situation of Hunan's cultural industry, and then from the perspective of human resources, capital input, innovation ability, The paper analyzes the influencing factors of the structure and competitiveness of Hunan cultural industry in terms of system, and establishes the evaluation index system of regional cultural industrial structure and competitiveness. An empirical analysis of the structure and competitiveness of Hunan's cultural industry is carried out by using the method of deviation-share analysis. The results show that the industrial structure of Hunan's cultural industry is worse than that of the national average. The network culture industry, the cultural leisure industry and the cultural tourism industry are at a disadvantage in structure. In terms of competitiveness, although the overall competitiveness of the cultural industry in Hunan Province is relatively strong, the development of various industries is not balanced, and the cultural and artistic industry, The network culture industry and cultural tourism lack competitive advantage. Finally, according to the analysis results, this paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions of Hunan cultural industrial structure optimization and competitiveness promotion from the macro, meso and micro levels. To sum up, there are: perfecting the laws and regulations for the development of cultural industry; innovating the government management system; focusing on innovation, striving to improve the innovation ability of the industry; establishing the characteristic cultural industrial district, starting up the brand strategy; improving the degree of industrial concentration; To balance the development of various industries of cultural industry; to strengthen the construction of talent team; to establish a diversified investment and financing system.
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