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发布时间:2018-05-12 11:49

  本文选题:动漫 + 动漫产业 ; 参考:《长春工业大学》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:在世界经济飞速发展的今天,人们除了关注一国的经济、科技、军事等硬实力以外,更多的是关注一个国家的文化、外交、制度等方面的软实力。随着知识转化为生产力的速度加快,使得经济发展方式也相应的做出了改变。动漫产业作为一国文化实力中的一部分,正在显示出它独特的地位和魅力。2004年以来,在中央和各级政府的高度重视及大力支持下,我国动漫产业受到了前所未有的关注,面临着十分有利的机遇和条件,也正在经历着突飞猛进的快速发展和脱胎换骨的质量转变,日益成为我国经济增长和文化产业发展的新亮点。 同其他国家一样,我国的动漫产业作为一项新兴业态,其成长和壮大离不开政府的支持和引导。政策作为政府支持动漫产业发展的重要手段,在促进动漫产业蓬勃发展的同时,也引发我国动漫产业一系列突出的问题。由于我国动漫产业政策的先天不足和后天缺失,直接导致动漫产业政策不能发挥应有的效果,也削弱了动漫产业靠市场内生力量发展的能力,造成动漫产业“长大未成年”、有产品无行业、政策依赖性强等现状。鉴于动漫产业政策对推动动漫产业发展的重要作用,开展动漫产业政策课题的理论研究,对加快动漫产业发展方式的转变,实现动漫大国向动漫强国跨越,具有重要价值和意义。 尽管国内学术界对动漫产业理论的研究投入极大地热情,并取得许多重要的理论成果,但是关于动漫产业的论著还是比较匮乏,尤其是关于动漫产业政策研究更为薄弱。如:促进动漫产业立法;提高动漫产业政策权威性;加强动漫产业政策针对性;保证动漫产业政策时效等方面亟待进一步的深入研究和探讨。 本文在考察我国动漫产业政策效果基础之上,梳理了我国动漫产业政策的基本脉络,分析了目前我国动漫产业政策的主要缺陷,通过对日、美、韩动漫产业政策经验比较,提出加强管理部门协作;完善法律体系;扩大扶持范围;增强扶持力度;改善实施程序等完善我国动漫产业政策的建议。
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of world economy, people pay more attention to the soft power of a country's culture, diplomacy, system and so on besides the hard power of economy, science and technology, military and so on. With the speed of transforming knowledge into productivity, the mode of economic development has been changed accordingly. Animation industry as a part of the cultural strength of a country, is showing its unique status and charm. Since 2004, with the attention and support of the central government and the government at all levels, China's animation industry has received unprecedented attention. Facing very favorable opportunities and conditions, it is also undergoing rapid development and transformation of quality, which is becoming a new bright spot of economic growth and cultural industry development in China. As other countries, China's animation industry as a new form of business, its growth and expansion can not be separated from the support and guidance of the government. As an important means for the government to support the development of animation industry, the policy not only promotes the vigorous development of animation industry, but also leads to a series of outstanding problems in China's animation industry. Because of the innate deficiency and the acquired deficiency of our country's animation industry policy, it directly leads to the animation industry policy can not play its due effect, and also weakens the animation industry's ability to develop by the market endogenous force, resulting in the animation industry "growing up as a minor". There are products without industry, strong policy dependence and other current situation. In view of the important role of the animation industry policy to promote the development of the animation industry, the development of the animation industry policy topic of theoretical research, to speed up the development of the animation industry to speed up the transformation of the way to achieve the animation power to the animation power leapfrogging, It is of great value and significance. Although the domestic academic circles put great enthusiasm into the research of animation industry theory, and made many important theoretical achievements, but on the animation industry is still relatively scarce, especially on the animation industry policy research is more weak. For example: promote animation industry legislation; improve the authority of animation industry policy; strengthen the pertinence of animation industry policy; ensure animation industry policy prescription and other aspects need to be further studied and discussed. Based on the investigation of the effect of China's animation industry policy, this paper combs the basic context of our country's animation industry policy, analyzes the main defects of our country's animation industry policy, and compares the experience of animation industry policy between Japan, the United States and South Korea. This paper puts forward some suggestions on how to strengthen the cooperation of management departments, perfect the legal system, expand the scope of support, strengthen the support, improve the implementation procedure, and improve the policies of China's animation industry.


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