本文选题:城市化 + 文化产业 ; 参考:《南京财经大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:我国文化产业发展问题提出是在“十五”时期,在之后的“十一五”“十二五”时期得到重点发展,如今文化产业面临着巨大的挑战与国际竞争。我国城市化在20世纪80年代,才开始有了较快的发展,,城市化水平才开始显著提升。在城市化水平提升过程中,文化产业的发展需要城市化为其提供全面的支持与保障,比如:城市居民收入水平、消费结构、温饱需求的满足、城市基建环境、人文技术环境、制度环境、文化市场等。因此城市化水平是文化产业发展的内需动力,必然会使得文化市场规模迅速扩大。由于现有文献鲜有此方面研究,所以本文着重对城市化与文化产业发展进行研究。 本文在介绍城市化和文化产业概念及目前我国城市化和文化产业发展现状基础上,系统研究了城市化影响我国文化产业发展的作用机理。理论研究结果表明:(1)城市化会从供给、需求、市场三个方面对文化产业发展产生影响;(2)供给方面:本文主要从基建环境、人文技术环境、生活及自然环境、资金环境分析城市化影响文化产业发展的作用机理;(3)需求方面:主要对现实的文化需求和潜在的文化需求进行分析;(4)市场方面:主要对有形文化市场的建立、文化市场交易制度的完善和文化分销体系进行分析,研究城市化在市场方面影响文化产业发展的作用机理。 在理论基础上,利用我国31个省份的相关数据做了实证检验。实证研究结果表明:(1)在供给方面,我国城市基建环境中的交通、网络对文化产业发展影响最为显著;(2)在需求方面,城市居民可支配收入水平对文化产业发展影响较显著;(3)在市场方面,市场化程度、地区GDP水平、文化市场执法机构数对文化产业发展都有影响,且作用力比较接近。
[Abstract]:The development of cultural industry in our country was put forward in the period of "the Tenth Five-Year Plan" and the period of "the Twelfth Five-Year Plan" after which the development of cultural industry was emphasized. Nowadays, the cultural industry is facing great challenges and international competition. China's urbanization began to develop rapidly in the 1980's, and the urbanization level began to improve significantly. In the process of promoting the level of urbanization, the development of cultural industry needs urbanization to provide it with comprehensive support and protection, such as: income level of urban residents, consumption structure, food and clothing needs, urban infrastructure environment, humanities and technology environment. Institutional environment, cultural market, etc. Therefore, the level of urbanization is the driving force of domestic demand for the development of cultural industry, which will inevitably make the scale of cultural market expand rapidly. Due to the lack of available literature, this paper focuses on urbanization and the development of cultural industry. Based on the introduction of the concepts of urbanization and cultural industry and the present situation of urbanization and cultural industry in China, this paper systematically studies the mechanism of urbanization affecting the development of cultural industry in China. The theoretical research results show that urbanization will have an impact on the development of cultural industry from three aspects: supply, demand and market. In this paper, we mainly focus on the infrastructure environment, the humanities and technology environment, the living environment and the natural environment. This paper analyzes the mechanism of urbanization affecting the development of cultural industry. It mainly analyzes the actual cultural needs and the potential cultural needs, and analyzes the market aspects: the establishment of tangible cultural markets. This paper analyzes the perfection of the transaction system and the cultural distribution system in the cultural market, and studies the mechanism of the influence of urbanization on the development of cultural industry in the market. On the basis of theory, this paper makes an empirical test by using the relevant data of 31 provinces in China. The empirical results show that: 1) on the supply side, in the urban infrastructure environment of China, the network has the most significant impact on the development of cultural industry. In the aspect of market, the degree of marketization, the level of regional GDP and the number of law enforcement agencies in cultural market all have influence on the development of cultural industry, and the force is close.
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