本文选题:顺义区 + 文化创意产业 ; 参考:《首都经济贸易大学》2012年硕士论文
【摘要】:“十一五”和“十二五”期间顺义作为北京重点建设的新城、临空经济高端产业功能区和现代制造业基地,经济正在超高速跨越式发展,,经济的发展带动区域人民收入的提升,人们文化需求快速增长,巨大的文化消费市场正在形成,为发展文化创意产业奠定了强大的经济基础。近几年,顺义区大力发展文化创意产业,已取得了初步的成效,但是仍处在初级发展阶段,在发展过程中还存着形式、政策、人员等方面的问题。通过本论文,将重点对北京市顺义区的文化创意产业发展进行研究,通过调查研究,解决相关问题,为区委、区政府提供决策参考,促进文化创意产业的发展。 本文从文化创意产业发展的国外、国内、北京、顺义发展的背景、意义出发,阐述了文化创意产业的定义、特征以及国内外相关研究述评,通过引言部分的介绍,使大家对文化创意产业目前的发展情况有了初步、概括的了解。然后介绍文化创意产业发展的理论框架,通过介绍相关理论和发展条件、发展模式为进行顺义区文化创意产业发展的研究奠定基础。通过调查研究,作者充分介绍了顺义区发展文化创意产业的宏观环境和微观环境,并查找出目前存在的问题,通过分析介绍了文化创意产业发展的前景。最后,借助全文的分析和文化创意产业理论研究,提出了顺义区发展文化创意产业的对策,为区委区政府提供决策参考。
[Abstract]:During the 11th Five-Year Plan and the 12th Five-Year Plan, Shunyi, as a new city of key construction in Beijing, a high-end industrial functional zone of the airport economy and a modern manufacturing base, is developing at a super high speed and leaping ahead. The economic development has led to an increase in the income of the people in the region. The rapid growth of people's cultural needs and the formation of a huge market for cultural consumption have laid a strong economic foundation for the development of cultural and creative industries. In recent years, Shunyi District has made initial achievements in the development of cultural and creative industries, but it is still in the primary stage of development, and there are still some problems in the process of development, such as form, policy, personnel and so on. Through this paper, we will focus on the development of cultural and creative industries in Shunyi District, Beijing, through investigation and research, to solve related problems, to provide policy reference for the District Committee and the district government, to promote the development of cultural and creative industries. Starting from the background and significance of the development of cultural and creative industries abroad, domestic, Beijing and Shunyi, this paper expounds the definition and characteristics of cultural and creative industries, as well as the review of relevant studies at home and abroad. So that we have a preliminary, general understanding of the current development of cultural and creative industries. Then it introduces the theoretical framework of the development of cultural and creative industry, through the introduction of relevant theories and development conditions, the development model for Shunyi District cultural and creative industry development research laid a foundation. Through investigation and research, the author fully introduces the macro and micro environment for the development of cultural and creative industries in Shunyi District, finds out the existing problems, and introduces the prospect of the development of cultural and creative industries through analysis. Finally, with the help of the analysis of the full text and the theoretical research of the cultural and creative industry, the author puts forward the countermeasures to develop the cultural creative industry in Shunyi District, which can provide a reference for the district government to make the decision.
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