[Abstract]:With the development of the global integration of the economy , the role of knowledge in economic growth has been highlighted , and the cultural and cultural industries have brought more economic benefits to countries . At present , the culture industry of developed countries , such as the United States and the United Kingdom , has become the pillar industry of developing countries . At present , the cultural industry of developed countries , which is the first developed country , has a large proportion in the cultural international market , and even forms the cultural field of other countries . Therefore , it is very important to improve the international competitiveness of the cultural industry and to build a strong culture and power country to develop the economy of a country .
However , in recent years , the Chinese government has more and more attention to the cultural and cultural industries . In particular , it has pointed out the importance of cultural construction , pointed out the direction for the development of socialist cultural development by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China , defined the development goal , and added the impetus to the development of China ' s socialist culture . In the process of industrial transformation , it is more necessary to develop the cultural industry and use this new economic growth point to realize the rapid development of regional economy .
The study of the present situation and existing problems of the cultural industry in Northeast China is of great significance to the improvement of the level of economic growth in Northeast China . In today ' s society , Marxism leads China ' s cultural construction , the scientific development view promotes the development of the cultural industry , the people have urgent need for the development of cultural industry , the globalization process has accelerated the development of the cultural industry , the cultural industry is becoming a new economic growth point . In this context , it is helpful to promote the construction of Chinese socialist spiritual civilization and help to promote the development of China ' s socialist spiritual civilization and help to promote the revitalization of the northeast old industrial base .
Based on the theory of industrial theory and economic growth , this paper analyzes the present situation of cultural industry in Northeast China based on statistical data , analyzes the existing problems , the relationship between the regional economic growth and the status of the cultural industry in Northeast China . The purpose of this paper is to make a comprehensive evaluation of the development of cultural industry in Northeast China by means of mathematical method . The aim of this paper is to solve the problems of the development of cultural industry in Northeast China , and to promote the development of cultural industry in Northeast China .
This thesis consists of five chapters , which are divided into three main parts . The first part consists of the first chapter and the second chapter . The second part is chapter 2 to chapter 4 . The second part is the whole situation of the cultural industry in Northeast China . The third part is the fifth chapter . On the basis of the above analysis , it puts forward some countermeasures to solve the problems of the cultural industry in Northeast China . The specific contents are as follows :
The first chapter introduces the background and significance of studying the development of cultural industry under the background of cultural industry globalization . In the present age , in the new situation of rapid development of knowledge information , China attaches great importance to the construction of socialist culture , develops the socialist cultural industry as the reflection of the development of Marxism , further promotes the development of culture industry .
The second chapter is the theoretical foundation , analyzes the concepts and theories related to the cultural industry . First , the relevant concepts such as industry , culture industry , market and culture market are analyzed .
In introducing the cultural industry , not only the concept of cultural industry is introduced , the classification of cultural industry and the characteristics of cultural industry are introduced .
The third chapter analyzes the historical process of the development of the cultural industry in Northeast China through a large number of years of data , including the development history of the cultural industry in Northeast China . It is divided into the starting period , the growth period , the stage of the step - by - step and the rapid development period .
In view of the competitiveness of the cultural industry , the competitiveness of the cultural industry in Northeast China is low and further development needs to be further developed .
On the basis of the analysis of the previous chapters , the paper analyzes the problems and the restriction factor analysis of the cultural industry in Northeast China , and it is the focus of this paper . At present , the main factors that affect the development of cultural industry in Northeast China include human resource factor , capital investment factor , government guidance factor , public consciousness factor and industry internal factor .
The fifth chapter puts forward the countermeasures to promote the development of the cultural industry in Northeast China in accordance with the problems existing in the cultural industry in Northeast China . The countermeasures mainly include five aspects : one is to give full play to the government ' s role and promote the development of cultural industry ;
Second , we should focus on the cultivation of cultural talents and make up for the lack of talent ;
Third , we should step up the innovation of cultural industry and improve the competitiveness of cultural industry ;
The fourth is to do well the protection and development of cultural resources and to play the advantage of national culture ;
Fifth , implement the " go out " strategy , truly realize the culture strong province .
According to the comprehensive analysis of the whole text , the industrial structure of Northeast China is unreasonable , the third industry development is relatively backward , and the development of each cultural industry is expected to be further improved . The Northeast region has certain cultural resource advantage , but the resource utilization efficiency is relatively low , and the cultural infrastructure is absent ;
At present , the development of cultural industry in Northeast China is weak , and the cultural industry is weak . At present , the development of cultural industry in Northeast China is mainly influenced by the contradiction between supply and demand of cultural market , weak quantity of cultural industry , weak competitiveness of culture industry and insufficient government support . In order to solve these problems , it is necessary to combine the actual development of Northeast China and take effective measures . First , we should give full play to the government ' s role and promote the development of cultural industry .
Second , we should focus on the cultivation of cultural talents and make up for the lack of talent ;
Third , we should strengthen the innovation of cultural industry and improve the competitiveness of cultural industry ;
The fourth is to do well the protection and development of cultural resources , and to play the advantage of national culture ;
Fifth , to implement the " go out " strategy , truly realize the culture strong province .
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