[Abstract]:Under the background of economic globalization, regional economic integration and knowledge economy becoming the dominant trend of world economic development, industrial clusters as a new form of industrial organization, Its strong agglomeration effect and competitive advantage have been widely recognized by people from all walks of life. Since the 1980s, China has set up a large number of industrial parks, as a carrier to develop the cluster economy, after more than 30 years of development. Good results have been achieved. Industrial cluster has become an important way for a country or region to speed up the process of industrialization, promote regional economic development and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of regional economy. It is also an important way to realize economic transformation and optimize industrial structure in underdeveloped areas. Effective ways to reduce regional economic disparities. On the basis of summarizing the theory of industrial cluster and proceeding from the present situation of Xining's economic development, this paper analyzes the problems in the process of industrial cluster's development, and puts forward some effective ways and countermeasures to further promote the development of Xining's industrial cluster. The content of this paper is divided into five parts: the first part, the theory review of industrial cluster. 1 the basic concept of industrial cluster. Performance characteristics and formation mechanism. The second part, analysis of the background conditions of Xining industrial cluster development. 1. The natural environment, social and economic situation of Xining. The overall situation of industrial economy in Xining over the past 10 years This paper mainly uses three indexes (gross industrial output value, sales income, profit and tax) to explain the development status of Xining industrial park. The third part, Xining industrial cluster development problems. On the basis of analyzing and summarizing the present economic situation of Xining City, it is found that there are some problems in the development of Xining industrial cluster: weak overall competitive power, poor coordination of internal factors, imperfect innovation system to support the development of industry. The external environment delays the industrial cluster to the high-level development process. The fourth part, the Xining industry cluster development situation judgment 1 Xining industry cluster qualitative analysis and quantitative judgment 2 Xining industry cluster development situation quantitative determination of Xining industrial park cluster development situation quantitative measurement; 4 on the basis of quantitative measurement of Xining's economic development, analysis, induction and summary. The fifth part, promotes the Xining city industrial cluster development the way and the countermeasure. Through the research on the problems in the development of Xining industrial clusters, it is found that the key elements of the cultivation and development of industrial clusters are to give full play to the functions of the government to protect the development of industrial clusters and to enhance the core competitiveness. The sixth part summarizes the full text and makes the research prospect.
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