[Abstract]:With the deepening of cultural exchanges between China and the European Union, cultural industries and cultural trade are developing more and more rapidly. China-EU cultural trade plays an important role in China-EU trade, which not only brings unprecedented economic benefits, but also brings huge cultural benefits. At the same time, it also enhances the cultural influence of Chinese cultural products in the world. Since China's entry into the WTO, China's cultural trade has been greatly improved, and the cultural market has gradually become international. Due to the differences in cultural products, the level of trade development of China has not been the same. With the increasingly fierce competition in the cultural market, the road of the development of our cultural industry will be very rugged. Therefore, it is necessary to study the orientation of China's cultural trade policy through the comparative study of the competitiveness of Chinese and European cultural industries. In this paper, the grey relational analysis method is introduced into the study of the competitiveness of cultural industry, and the comprehensive evaluation system is established on the basis of Porter's "Diamond Model" theory from the aspects of input factor and output factor. This paper makes an empirical analysis of the competitiveness of the main cultural industries in China and the European Union, and tries to make a scientific and accurate judgment on the level and status of the international competitiveness of the cultural industries in China at present. The present cultural trade policy of our country has both a good and a bad side. According to the results of the analysis, the author puts forward some original suggestions for the development of China's cultural industry and trade. Through the analysis, many developed countries are already dominant in the cultural market, China's cultural goods trade surplus, and cultural services trade deficit. The result of the empirical analysis is that the international competitiveness of China's cultural industry ranks sixth among the six countries, and the comprehensive evaluation value is 0.438, which is at a disadvantage. The cultural trade policy adopted by our country at present is mainly open to the outside world. Although the implementation of this policy has raised the international awareness of our cultural products, it has also brought many problems to our country. Therefore, policies combining open measures to promote competition with protective measures of appropriate intervention should be implemented.
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