[Abstract]:In the 30 years since the reform and opening up, China's cultural industry has made rapid development. This development is not only the increase of added value of cultural industry, but also the enrichment of the theoretical research of cultural industry, which is also established in the practice of cultural industry. Cultural industry policy changes, cultural industry scholars and public talk on the basis of cultural industry discourse development. At present, most papers focus on finding answers in the path of cultural system reform. This kind of research is easy to turn the role of politics in its development and simplify the development of cultural industry into a single linear model. This paper attempts to analyze the basic pattern of Chinese cultural industry discourse by describing the development and changes of Chinese cultural industry as discourse in the past 30 years. Based on Michel Foucault's discourse theory and the basic methods and perspectives of Foucault's discourse analysis, this paper analyzes the "discourse" of contemporary Chinese cultural industry. This paper puts forward five kinds of discourse forms of cultural industry as discourse-political discourse, economic discourse, technical discourse, social discourse and cultural discourse, and analyzes the discourse of cultural industry in the past 30 years from a diachronic perspective. Describing the evolution of rules, power struggles, ideological struggles, etc., hidden in a series of processes such as the germination, growth, development and prosperity of cultural industries. This paper mainly analyzes the discourse characteristics of four different stages from 1978 to 1989, from 1989 to 1992, from 1992 to 2002, from 2002 to 2012. Finally, on the basis of the stage analysis of the discourse of the cultural industry, the author summarizes the characteristics of the change of the discourse of the cultural industry in China. Interaction trajectory and basic pattern.
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