[Abstract]:Cultural industry is an important embodiment of a country's soft power. A series of documents issued by the state in recent years clearly point out that it is necessary to strengthen financial support for cultural industry and promote the connection between cultural industry and financial industry. The need for development is the objective requirement for building socialist spiritual civilization and promoting cultural development and prosperity, as well as the need for improving the comprehensive cultural competitiveness of the country and strengthening the level of cultural security. The industry also ushered in a period of important development opportunities.
Henan Province has a long history and culture, rich cultural resources, is the core area of the Chinese civilization inheritance. Numerous cultural heritage and strong cultural atmosphere, Henan Province's cultural industry development has a unique advantage. The present situation of industry support is not optimistic. The factors that restrict the financial support to cultural industry are not only the insufficient exploration of its own industrial elements, the low degree of industrial agglomeration, the non-standard management and other factors, but also the low degree of financial industry's attention to cultural industry, the low enthusiasm of financial products and services innovation and the government's promotion of culture. The role of industry financing has not been brought into full play, and the market environment for the development of cultural industry is still immature.
Financial industry is the core of modern economy. The development of any industry can not be separated from the support of financial capital. Constructing a perfect financial support system is an effective way to promote the development of cultural industry in Henan Province. This paper systematically analyzes the supporting effect of financial services on the development of cultural industry in Henan Province, and gives the financial industry as a cultural product. Specific proposals for supporting industry development.
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