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发布时间:2018-08-31 14:15
【摘要】:艺术节在美国蓬勃发展,呈现出一派欣欣向荣的景象,如今已经成为其艺术市场的重要运行模式,成为艺术生产者和艺术消费者之间的重要交流平台,成为美国艺术品销售最主要的渠道。笔者通过多年实地考察,以美国佛罗里达州为限定研究区域,以众多艺术节和艺术家的实际个案为基础,探讨美国艺术节的运行机制和成功经验,以期为中国同类艺术节的建立和发展提供借鉴。文章从以下几个方面详细论述美国艺术节的特点: 1、限定区域佛罗里达州以旅游业为中心的经济结构促进了艺术节的兴盛,佛州亦因此成为美国艺术节举办最为集中的地区,故笔者将主要研究区域定在佛州,同时兼顾其他地区。 2、历史沿革从二十世纪初至今,美国艺术节经历了从孕育、草创,到诞生并逐渐发展普及的过程,文章详细介绍了美国艺术节的历史沿革及其成功的原因,以便读者对其有一整体把握。 3、扶持政策美国艺术品购买进口免税和捐赠抵税的政策以及优先引进艺术人才的措施体现了联邦政府对艺术事业的支持,促进了艺术节的发展,大熔炉式的美国文化吸纳了来自世界各地的艺术家,为美国艺术领域多元文化的繁荣提供了有力支持。 4、组织形式艺术节的组织形式主要包括政府组办、民间非营利社团组办、艺术博物馆组办、私人公司组办、大型财团组办等形式,因组办者的不同而各有特点,主要分为两大类,一类是公益性的,一类是营利性的。 5、艺术家个案艺术家都是个性的,艺术道路也各有各的不同,无论是追求艺术探索,,还是重视经济效益,艺术节都可以为各类型艺术家提供一个广阔的平台,让他们各尽所能,各取所需,实践自己的艺术道路,追逐自己的艺术理想。 6、规章制度艺术节的组织运行各项环节都有一定的规章制度,文章详细介绍了评审、评奖、监督等多个环节的制度的主要内容及其产生与发展的历史沿革。 7、社会效益艺术节的社会效益也是多方面的,最主要的是繁荣了艺术市场,为艺术家提供了重要的艺术品销售渠道,解决了他们的生存问题,同时丰富了所在城市的文化生活,促进了市民艺术欣赏水平和精神修养的提高。 8、运输工具、器材和美国最佳艺术节附录:美国艺术节运输工具展示器材介绍,希望能为将来在中国发展艺术节提供借鉴。美国有很多艺术节是面向各国艺术家,有兴趣申请参加的艺术家可以用电脑输入艺术节名称,查看具体有关事项和要求。 通过以上分析,我们可以得出平等、自由而完善的市场机制是美国艺术节突出特征的结论,市场机制的完善性使艺术节中的组织者、艺术家、消费者三方皆可获利,而平等性和自由性保证了三方的社会构成的广泛性,即并非局限于某一特定群体,而是任何组织,任何个人都可以参与进来。希望中国艺术市场能解放思想,革新体制,将美国艺术节的成功经验借鉴到中国艺术市场建设的实际之中,为中国艺术市场的繁荣添砖加瓦。
[Abstract]:The Festival has flourished in the United States and has become an important mode of operation in the art market. It has become an important platform for communication between art producers and art consumers, and the main channel for the sale of American art. Based on the actual cases of many art festivals and artists, this paper explores the operation mechanism and successful experience of American art festivals, with a view to providing reference for the establishment and development of similar art festivals in China.
1. The tourism-centered economic structure of Florida has promoted the prosperity of the festival, and Florida has thus become the most concentrated area of the American Arts Festival.
2. From the beginning of the twentieth century to the present, the American Art Festival has undergone a process from gestation, creation, birth and gradually popularization. This paper introduces the history of the American Art Festival and the reasons for its success in detail, so that readers can have a complete grasp of it.
3. Supporting the policy of tax-free import and donation of American artworks and preferential measures for the introduction of artistic talents reflect the federal government's support for the cause of art and promote the development of the festival. The melting pot-style American culture absorbs artists from all over the world, providing a multicultural prosperity in the field of American art. Strong support.
4. The organizational forms of the festival are mainly government-sponsored, non-profit organizations, art museums, private companies and large-scale consortia. The Festival is divided into two main categories, one is public welfare, the other is profit-making.
5. Artists in individual cases have their own personalities and different artistic paths. Whether pursuing artistic exploration or attaching importance to economic benefits, the festival can provide a broad platform for all types of artists, so that they can do their best, take what they need, practice their artistic paths and pursue their artistic ideals.
6. There are certain rules and regulations in each link of the organization and operation of the festival. This paper introduces in detail the main contents of the evaluation, award evaluation, supervision and other links of the system and the historical evolution of its emergence and development.
7. The social benefits of the festival are manifold. The most important thing is to prosper the art market, provide important sales channels for artists, solve their survival problems, enrich the cultural life of the city, and promote the improvement of citizens'art appreciation and spiritual cultivation.
8. Transportation, Equipment and Appendix of the Best Art Festival in the United States: Introduction of Transportation and Exhibition Equipment of the American Art Festival, hoping to provide reference for the future development of the festival in China. And request.
From the above analysis, we can come to the conclusion that equality, freedom and perfect market mechanism are the prominent characteristics of the American Arts Festival. The perfection of market mechanism makes the organizers, artists and consumers of the festival profitable, while equality and freedom ensure the universality of the social composition of the three parties, that is, not limited to a particular feature. It is hoped that the Chinese art market will emancipate the mind, reform the system, draw lessons from the successful experience of the American Art Festival in the actual construction of the Chinese art market, and contribute to the prosperity of the Chinese art market.


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