[Abstract]:With the establishment and development of the socialist market economic system and the deepening of the reform of the cultural system, the cultural industry is springing up and developing rapidly in contemporary China. China's cultural industry has a wide range of positive effects on the development of Chinese society, but it is undeniable that in the process of continuous development of Chinese cultural industry, there are also some negative problems that can not be ignored. Therefore, how to correctly understand the cultural industry? How to rationally analyze the current situation of the development of contemporary Chinese cultural industry? How to further promote the healthy and sustainable development of contemporary Chinese cultural industry? This is the contemporary Chinese cultural industry development needs to be studied and solved. The healthy development of contemporary Chinese cultural industry concerns not only the development of Chinese economy, but also the construction and development of Chinese culture. This paper tries to study the development of contemporary Chinese cultural industry from the perspective of Marxist philosophy of historical materialism and human development theory. On the basis of analyzing the meaning of culture and industry and defining the concept of cultural industry, this paper expounds the basic characteristics and functions of cultural industry, and then on the basis of investigating the rise of cultural industry in contemporary China. This paper analyzes the positive and negative aspects of the development of contemporary Chinese cultural industry, and finally expounds the basic attitude of the development of cultural industry in contemporary China, the basic principles and path choice of the development of contemporary Chinese cultural industry.
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