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发布时间:2018-12-18 04:01
[Abstract]:With the gradual maturity of TV drama creation and film market, the subject matter of TV play has gradually been diversified and typed. As the most popular way of art consumption and spiritual entertainment, TV plays are closely related to the development of human society. Family TV plays a very important role in many TV series types. Family TV dramas attract a large number of TV viewers with their magnificent narrative art and unreserved artistic vision. In recent years, frequently active in television screens. Under the requirement of the cultural industry marketization, film and television works are consumed by the broad audience as a kind of commodity, so what kind of commodity attribute does the family subject TV play have and then get the favor of the consumers (audience groups)? The consumer (audience group) in the family theme TV series what kind of consumption satisfaction, based on this write this article. This paper mainly studies the audience of family TV series. The purpose of this paper is to sort out the development of family drama from the angle of family drama creation and audience acceptance psychology through combing and analyzing family TV series. The relationship between family drama and audience is studied on the basis of detailed description of its subject matter. The full text is divided into five parts. The introduction part mainly narrates the literature summary about the family subject TV drama audience research and the related background of the family subject TV drama audience research. In the literature summary, it introduces the scholars and their works who study the family TV series. In the background introduction, it mainly talks about the environment of the current film and television works, including the media environment, the market-oriented environment and so on. The first chapter mainly introduces the text and audience acceptance of family TV series as a type, that is, what kind of family TV drama presents to the audience. In this chapter, the author mainly introduces the artistic features, cultural characteristics, characters and how to set up the plot of the family TV series for the audience. The second chapter mainly introduces the analysis of the audience of the family TV series, including the analysis of the audience group, the analysis of the reasons of the audience acceptance, the analysis of the audience receiving feedback. The third chapter is the psychological analysis of the aesthetic acceptance of the family TV series, including family TV series in strangeness, regional cultural differences, ideological level to bring the aesthetic experience of the audience. The fourth chapter mainly describes the audience's consumption and satisfaction of family TV series. In the process of watching family TV series, the audience is what kind of consumption satisfaction and deconstruction will. The last part of the article is the conclusion, which makes a brief summary of the full text and forecasts the prospect of family TV series.


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