[Abstract]:At present, in the media market of our country, the introduction of QR code technology brings opportunities and challenges to the whole industry. In newspapers, magazines, TV, books and Internet pages, QR codes have begun to emerge in large numbers. Many media have made initial attempts to integrate the application of QR codes with the media industry, and have achieved certain results, but there are still some problems. This paper discusses the application of QR code in Chinese media industry. In the first chapter, the author introduces the origin and significance of the paper, and summarizes the existing literature on the technology and application of QR code. In the second chapter, it mainly introduces the characteristics and application scope of the QR code, and analyzes the advantages of the QR code applied in the media industry and its role in promoting the media industry. The third chapter, based on the collected information and data, combs the development course of the application of QR code in the media industry of our country, and summarizes the basic status quo. In the fourth chapter, the author analyzes the bottleneck of the development of QR code application in the media industry of our country. In order to solve the existing problems, it tries to tap the potential of the QR code application from different aspects. Some suggestions are put forward to popularize the application of mobile phone QR code in China. In the last chapter, the prospect of the application of QR codes is prospected, and the full text is summarized.
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