[Abstract]:With the development of society and the progress of the times, people gradually extricate themselves from the heavy daily work, and cultural leisure has become an important part of people's life. Nowadays, cultural leisure, as a worldwide trend, is sweeping the world. Demand gives birth to the market and the market calls for industry. under this background, the cultural leisure industry, which integrates economic and cultural elements, emerges as the times require and becomes an important part of the productive forces of modern society. Cultural and leisure industry is still a new industry in our country, but it has developed rapidly and has great potential, which has become the focus of attention of people from all walks of life. Governments at all levels have also issued a variety of policy measures to promote its development. Vigorously developing cultural and leisure industries is not only conducive to enriching people's lives and meeting the spiritual needs of the people, but also helps to stimulate domestic demand, expand employment and promote the development of a series of related industries, which is a powerful driving force to lead a new round of national economic growth. It can be said that the prosperity of the cultural and leisure industry is the blessing of the country and the people. Therefore, it is particularly important to explore the healthy development of cultural leisure industry in today's era. Taking Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone as the research area, this paper probes into the development of its cultural leisure industry from the point of view of cultural leisure. First of all, the background and significance of the study are described, and the research methods and technical routes are summarized. Secondly, on the basis of drawing lessons from the relevant theories at home and abroad, this paper defines the concept of cultural leisure industry, and makes an objective analysis of the development of cultural leisure industry in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone by using SWOT method. Then, starting with the dynamic system, spatial layout and mode exploration, this paper deeply discusses and summarizes the countermeasures for the development of cultural leisure industry in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone. Finally, the two cities of Nanchang and Jiujiang are selected for case analysis, and through the construction of the development index system of cultural leisure industry, the method of mathematical model research is explored, and some suggestions are put forward for the development of cultural leisure industry in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone.
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