更多相关文章: 基于 模型 智能 材料 驱动器 回滞 建模 方法
- Acknowledgements11-12
- Abstract12-14
- Chapter 1 Introduction and Literature Review14-22
- 1.1 Background14-16
- 1.2 Motivation16
- 1.3 Problem Statement16-17
- 1.4 Supporting Studies17-18
- 1.5 Proposed model18-20
- 1.6 Objective of this work20
- 1.7 Thesis Organization20-22
- Chapter 2 Smart Material Based Actuators22-40
- 2.1 Smart Materials22-23
- 2.2 Types of Smart Materials23-24
- 2.2.1 Piezoelectric Materials23
- 2.2.2 Shape Memory Alloys23
- 2.2.3 Chromogenic Materials or Smart Colours23-24
- 2.2.4 Polymorph24
- 2.2.5 Magnetostrictive materials24
- 2.3 Applications of Smart Materials24-26
- 2.3.1 Smart Materials in Textile24-25
- 2.3.2 Smart Materials in Aerospace25
- 2.3.3 Smart Materials in Civil Engineering Applications25
- 2.3.4 Smart Materials in Industry25
- 2.3.5 Smart Materials in Automotive25
- 2.3.6 Smart Materials in Medical25-26
- 2.4 Actuator26
- 2.5 Types of Actuators:26-29
- 2.5.1 Operation-Based Classification:26-27
- 2.5.2 Energy-Based Classification:27-29
- 2.5.3 Motion-Based Classification29
- 2.6 Smart Material Based Actuators29-31
- 2.7 Types of Smart Material based Actuators31-33
- 2.7.1 Piezoelectric / Piezoceramics Actuators31-32
- 2.7.2 Electrostrictive Actuators32
- 2.7.3 Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) Actuators32-33
- 2.7.4 Magnetostrictive Actuators33
- 2.8 Magnetostriction33-37
- 2.9 Terfenol-D Actuators37-40
- Chapter 3 Nonlinearities in control systems and Hysteresis Models40-50
- 3.1 Control Systems Nonlinearities40-44
- 3.1.1 Dead zone40-41
- 3.1.2 Saturation41-42
- 3.1.3 Friction42-43
- 3.1.4 Backlash43
- 3.1.5 Hysteresis43-44
- 3.2 Types of Hysteresis44
- 3.2.1 Rate-Dependent Hysteresis44
- 3.2.2 Rate-Independent Hysteresis44
- 3.3 Research History of Hysteresis in Various Fields44-46
- 3.4 Hysteresis modeling methods in ferromagnets46-47
- 3.5 Hysteresis in Smart material actuators47-48
- 3.6 Hysteresis Modeling methods in Smart Material Actuators48-50
- Chapter 4 Extended J-A Model50-64
- 4.1 Harrison model50-53
- 4.2 Introduction to the Modified Jiles Atherton Model53-64
- 4.2.1 Magnetostrictive Actuator to be used56-57
- 4.2.2 Jiles-Atherton Domain Wall Model57
- 4.2.3 Magnetostriction57-59
- 4.2.4 Effective Magnetic Field59-60
- 4.2.5 Anhysteretic Magnetization60-61
- 4.2.6 Irreversible, Reversible, and Total Magnetization61-64
- Chapter 5 Research Method and Experimental Results64-69
- 5.1 Experiment Basis64
- 5.2 Research Method64-67
- 5.3 Results Analysis67-69
- Chapter 6 Discussion and Conclusion69-71
- 6.1 Discussion69-70
- 6.1.1 Magnetization Model69
- 6.1.2 Magnetostriction Model69-70
- 6.2 Conclusion70
- 6.3 Future Work70-71
- References71-79
- 附件79
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