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发布时间:2018-01-14 05:28

  本文关键词:高温超导材料交流损耗测试方法及应用研究 出处:《兰州大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 高温超导体 裂纹 YBCO涂层导体 Bi2223/Ag超导带 绝热测温升法 电测法 交流损耗 交变电流 压应力

[Abstract]:The essential difference between superconductor and traditional conductor is no resistance current carrying its characteristic, it is this feature attracts many researchers attention in the new superconducting materials preparation, physical mechanism and actual application in the project areas to carry out the unremitting exploration and made important research results. With the practical prospects the non ideal two superconductors, for example, when the carrying DC current does not exceed the critical current, the superconductor without any loss of energy, then the superconductor in steady state operation. However, in the superconductor in practical application process, changes in current carrying or changes in environment field are inevitable, will bring the energy loss to the superconductor, usually defined as the AC loss. AC losses generated will cause local temperature superconductors with reduced nail proof performance and the critical current, to super The guide device is a huge security risks. As of 2008 the European Hadron Collider giant superconducting magnet explosion is derived from superconducting material local quench caused by evaporation of liquid helium, which lasted 14 months, at a cost of $60 million renovation shutdown. Therefore, the AC loss characteristics of superconducting materials has become one of the important parameters of superconducting device safety design and Research on the test method of AC loss of the corresponding superconducting materials has attracted attention of many scholars. In addition, the critical temperature is higher than the boiling point of liquid nitrogen oxide ceramic superconducting materials, preparation and application of micro cracks appear inevitable. Therefore, it has become a key problem for one of the characteristics of AC losses of superconducting materials with cracks the main reason lies in the complexity, crack tip shielding current distribution leads to energy loss in the region is difficult to use the traditional method. For the test. Therefore, this dissertation carried out the key parameters in the traditional adiabatic temperature measurement method, based on test error and so on, for the first time variation of welded joint of high temperature superconducting materials AC loss characteristics and current and internal resistance. Through the research on the method of testing the principle of the test function expansion, for the first time the AC losses of superconducting materials with crack. Finally the AC loss of electric measurement on this kind of samples were also tested, comparison results show that the reliability of the adiabatic temperature rise method proposed in this paper. The main work is as follows: first, introduces the temperature rise to the formation of adiabatic method and electric measurement test system. Then using the two kinds of test methods for AC loss of YBCO coated conductors were tested, and the experimental results and theoretical calculation results of Norris were compared to verify the self The reliability for formation of two sets of AC loss test system. Then according to the affecting factors of temperature rise of adiabatic method were studied to obtain optimal critical current test and calibration curve for DC loading speed and loading range, and through the analysis of test error on the adiabatic temperature rise measurement method to get the optimal loading current the second time 47s., the adiabatic temperature rise of AC losses of joint and complete superconducting samples in different arrangements of YBCO welding was measured. The AC loss of HTS welded joints and complete samples were compared with that joint length has little influence on the heat loss, and will not affect the stability of superconducting junction device operation. At the same time put forward a superconducting welded joint current distribution test method and theoretical model, the theoretical calculation and experimental results of kiss He showed the correctness of the theoretical model proposed in this paper. Through the research on the extension principle of the traditional adiabatic temperature rise test function, and in order to get the characteristics of the cracked superconductor AC loss. The experimental results show that with the increase of the crack length, the crack on the end effect of full superconducting sample power loss increases rapidly. Seriously affect the safety operation of superconducting devices. Finally, the electrometric method of transverse load and crack of superconducting samples of AC losses were measured. To ascertain the transverse compressive stress on AC losses of superconducting samples the influence rule, and compares them with axial strain on the samples. Then the influence of AC loss the electrical measurement test of hair crack superconducting samples of AC losses, and temperature rise before the adiabatic method were compared. The result shows that AC loss obtained by these two methods The reliability of the extended adiabatic temperature measurement method is confirmed by the uniform variation of the load current and the crack length.



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