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发布时间:2018-02-17 04:19

  本文关键词: 功能高分子材料 超声化学 碳量子点 聚合物机械力化学 铂炔复合物 多巴胺 柔性电子 出处:《中国科学技术大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The research and application of functional polymer materials is very extensive. Ultrasound is a useful tool for the synthesis of materials, but also an effective means of research on polymer mechanical chemistry. Mechanical stress can lead to flexible electronic instability, the introduction of a polymer interface layer, solve the interface problem of flexible substrate and electrode, against external mechanical stimulation, has important significance to realize the development of flexible electronics. During my PhD in the field in the two aspects of the related work, specifically, the main contents are as follows: 1. we ultrasonic contains citric acid and ethylenediamine aqueous solution as the carbon source, the successful preparation of high quantum yield, carbon quantum dot light stability, biological imaging and application in the cancer cells. Ultrasonic chemistry can be divided into a sound chemical and two sound chemistry. A sound in the collapse of the bubble in chemistry, mainly relates to a volatile species, two chemical liquid phase of sound The sound of science, chemical products derived from the collapse of the bubble in the chemically active species (such as steam pyrolysis into free radical molecular diffusion) chemical reaction solvent triggered. Involving non volatile species nano droplets by capillary microwave shot is caused by collapse of bubbles or bubble bubble collapse deformation significantly once the internal nano fusion. Drop into the collapse of the bubble, has a similar flame pyrolysis solvent rapid evaporation, chemical vapor reaction, therefore, the comprehensive level of sonochemical and two sonochemical non volatile species in the collapse of the bubble in the excitation and pyrolysis, namely the application of bubble collapse as micro reactor is non volatile Precursor Pyrolysis.2. has not been reported before polymer mechanical chemistry can provide light or heat is not able to achieve the reaction, can be used to synthesize new materials. We designed and synthesized based on the mechanical response of platinum acetylide Functional groups of polymer chains in the middle. Ultrasound can generate tensile polymer chains of solvation of the stress. The shear stress generated cavitation solvent solution dynamics of polymer dilute solution under ultrasonic action can experience the (i.e., bubble nucleation, growth and collapse). The bubble collapse near the end of the polymers than the distal chain end will have higher speed. The velocity gradient caused by the polymer main chain elongation, and tensile stress in the vicinity of the midpoint of the polymer chain. The appropriate sites of the mechanical response of controllable mechanical disturbance response group was activated. Therefore, platinum alkyne can realize ultrasonic activation and used for catalytic hydrosilylation reaction, this work further an example illustrates the application of organic metal complexes in the design and synthesis of potential catalyst in the catalytic machinery for and self-healing materials based on organosilicon polymer.3. The flexible conductive electrode is an important part of flexible electronics and wearable technology. However, the existing flexible electrode has poor stability, disadvantages of anti scratch ability, limits its wide application in industry. Inspired by the marine mussel, we synthesized polymer interface coating dopamine based on its introduction between the conductive circuit and flexible substrate to try to solve this problem. This unique polymer coating based on dopamine can give a variety of flexible substrates including polyimide (PI), poly two methyl siloxane (PDMS), poly phenylene two terephthalate (PET), the adhesion of cotton fabric, strong and excellent mechanical properties. In fact, based on the flexible conductive circuit of polymer coating after 1000 times bending test cycle or scratch can still LED lightbulb. This coating provides strong adhesive and conductive pattern substrate It is attached to enhance its bending resistance and scratch resistance. This method provides a practical and effective flexible electronic platform.



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