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发布时间:2018-06-12 04:49

  本文选题:电化学传感器 + 电催化 ; 参考:《西北大学》2017年硕士论文

【摘要】:纳米材料及其复合材料以其独特组成、结构和性能而日益受到广泛关注。将其引入电化学传感器的设计中,已成为电化学分析工作者研究的热点领域之一。本文制备了三种纳米复合材料,构置了基于上述纳米复合材料的过氧化氢(H_2O_2)和肼(N_2H_4)电化学传感器,建立了 H_2O_2和N_2H_4的分析检测新的方法。该研究一定程度上充实了电化学传感的内容,亦拓宽了纳米材料的应用范围。论文共包含三章,主要研究内容如下:1、利用水热法和化学还原法制备了 Ag-Fe_2O_3-RGO,构置了基于该材料的无酶H_2O_2电化学传感器,研究了 Ag-Fe_2O_3-RGO的组成、结构和电催化行为与传感器响应性能之间的关系,建立了测定H_2O_2的新方法。用FESEM和TEM对该纳米复合材料表征的结果表明,Ag NPs较为均匀的分布在Fe_2O_3-RGO上;电化学实验表明,Ag-Fe_2O_3-RGO对H2O具有良好的电催化还原作用;该传感器检测H_2O_2的线性范围可从1.6 μmol·L-1至57mmo1·L-1,检出限为0.5μmol·L-1(SN=3),灵敏度为50.8μA(mmol·L-1)-1cm-2。2、采用氧化聚合法制备了核壳结构FeOOH@PDA,利用PDA的还原性将Ag原位还原到FeOOH@PDA表面,构置了基于FeOOH@PDA-Ag的电化学传感器,研究了FeOOH@PDA-Ag的组成、结构和电催化能力对传感器响应性能的影响,建立了检测H_2O_2的新方法。用TEM表征结果表明,制备的AgNPs呈球状且分散性好;电化学研究表明,FeOOH@PDA-Ag电催化还原H_2O_2效果良好;检测H_2O_2的线性范围为7.5μmol·L-1~18.8 mmol·L-1,在信噪比3时可得检出限为2.5 μmol·L-1,灵敏度为11.8 μA(mmol·L-1)-1 cm-2。3、成功制备了 HNTs@PDA纳米复合材料,通过静电吸附作用使Au NPs附着到HNTs@PDA表面,构置了基于HNTs@PDA-Au的电化学传感器,探索了 HNTs@PDA-Au的组成、结构和电催化能力对传感器响应性能的影响,建立了 N_2H_4的分析测定新方法。TEM和FESEM研究结果表明,Au NPs具有良好分散性且颗粒大小均一,粒径约为5 nm;电化学结果表明,新型传感界面上HNTs@PDA-Au电催化氧化N_2H_4的效果良好;检测N_2H_4 的线性范围为 0.75 μmol·L-1~2.8mmol·L-1,灵敏度为1 1.7μA(mmol·L-1)-1 cm-2,检出限为 0.25 μmol·L-1(S/N = 3)。
[Abstract]:Nanomaterials and their composites have attracted more and more attention due to their unique composition, structure and properties. The introduction of them into the design of electrochemical sensors has become one of the hotspots in the research of electrochemical analysis workers. Three kinds of nanocomposites were prepared and the hydrogen peroxide (H_2O_2) based on the nanocomposites was constructed. With hydrazine (N_2H_4) electrochemical sensor, a new method for the analysis and detection of H_2O_2 and N_2H_4 has been established. This study enriches the content of electrochemical sensing and widens the application scope of nanomaterials. The thesis consists of three chapters. The main contents are as follows: 1, Ag-Fe_2O_3-RGO was prepared by hydrothermal method and chemical reduction method. A non enzyme H_2O_2 electrochemical sensor based on this material was used to study the relationship between the composition and structure of Ag-Fe_2O_3-RGO and the relationship between the electrocatalytic behavior and the response performance of the sensor. A new method for the determination of H_2O_2 was established. The results of the characterization of the nanocomposites by FESEM and TEM showed that Ag NPs was more evenly distributed on Fe_2O_3-RGO; The experimental results show that Ag-Fe_2O_3-RGO has a good electrocatalytic reduction effect on H2O; the linear range of the sensor for detecting H_2O_2 can be from 1.6 Mu mol to 57mmo1 L-1, the detection limit is 0.5 Mu mol. L-1 (SN=3), and the sensitivity is 50.8 mu A. On the surface of FeOOH@PDA, the electrochemical sensor based on FeOOH@PDA-Ag was constructed. The influence of the composition, structure and electrocatalysis ability of FeOOH@PDA-Ag on the response performance of the sensor was studied. A new method for detecting H_2O_2 was established. The results of TEM characterization showed that the prepared AgNPs was spherical and good dispersivity; the electrochemical study showed that FeOOH@PDA-Ag electricity was electrochemically. The effect of catalytic reduction of H_2O_2 is good, and the linear range of H_2O_2 is 7.5 u mol. L-1 ~ 18.8 mmol. L-1. The detection limit is 2.5 Mu mol / L-1 at the signal to noise ratio 3, and the sensitivity is 11.8 u A (mmol. L-1) -1. Ts@PDA-Au's electrochemical sensor was used to explore the influence of HNTs@PDA-Au composition, structure and electrocatalysis ability on the response performance of the sensor. A new method for the analysis and determination of N_2H_4 was established,.TEM and FESEM. The results showed that Au NPs had good dispersion and the particle size was equal and the particle size was about 5 nm; the electrochemical results showed that the new sensing interface was used. The effect of the electrocatalytic oxidation of N_2H_4 on the upper HNTs@PDA-Au is good, and the linear range of the detection of N_2H_4 is 0.75 Mu mol. L-1 to 2.8mmol L-1, and the sensitivity is 11.7 mu A (mmol L-1) -1 cm-2, and the detection limit is 0.25 mu.


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