本文选题:自组装 + 金属有机骨架材料 ; 参考:《武汉大学》2015年博士论文
[Abstract]:As a kind of intelligent polymer, DNA has become a hot topic in the field of natural science because of its important biological functions, biocompatibility, molecular recognition ability and regulation. The functional nano materials prepared by DNA molecules as templates or ligands are also prepared by the specific photoelectric properties of nanomaterials and in nanometers. With the wide application of nano biotechnology in analytical chemistry, DNA functionalized nanomaterials have become a powerful tool for the establishment of new analytical methods. However, the existing DNA functionalized nanomaterials have the shortcomings of tedious preparation steps, poor stability and biological toxicity, so a new type of DNA functionalized nanomaterials has been established. It is of great significance to prepare and expand its application in the field of biochemical analysis. In this paper, a new method for the preparation of DNA functionalized nanomaterials is set up as the main line. The DNA functionalized nanomaterials are prepared from the aspects of enzymatic synthesis of nanomaterials, self-assembly of nanomaterials, morphology control of nanomaterials and the construction of hybrid nanomaterials. The preparation and properties were systematically studied, and the prepared DNA functionalized nanomaterials were applied to the analysis and detection of nucleic acids and proteins. The specific contents included four tasks: 1, a new method of enzymatic synthesis of copper and silver nanoclusters was proposed. The complexes formed by the chelating of pyrophosphate and copper ions were the substrates of the enzyme, and the alkaline phosphorus was used. Copper ions are released by the acid enzyme specific dephosphoric acid dephosphoric acid. Under the presence of DNA template and silver ion, a DNA functionalized copper silver nanoalloy cluster is prepared with sodium borohydride as a reductant. Alkaline phosphatase, as a generic antibody labeling enzyme, is widely used in ELISA. The new method of enzyme linked immunosorbent assay combined with enzyme linked immunoassay (ELISA) was applied to the detection of tumor related proteins. By combining enzyme synthesis with ELISA, the selectivity of DNA functional metal clusters in protein detection was improved, and the results were effectively overcome by the high abundance proteins in the actual samples. .2, a new method of DNA functionalized silver nanocluster assembly was established. The product of DNA rolling ring amplification reaction was used as a template. The silver cluster nanowires of DNA functionalized by hybridization at room temperature were obtained by the base complementary pairing of DNA. The morphology changes of silver nanowires to silver nanowires were realized. In each assembly unit, a DNA sequence rich in G base was introduced. By using the rich G base sequence to enhance the luminescence of nanoscale clusters, the silver nanowires can be observed under the confocal microscope before and after the assembly of silver nanoclusters. The potential imaging application prospects are shown from the dark to the appearance of red silver nanowires. When the target DNA molecule exists, the assembly of the silver cluster is formed, based on the amplification effect and silver of the roll ring amplification The fluorescence enhancement effect before and after the cluster near the rich G base sequence has realized the sensitive detection of.3 by the DNA molecule. A new method of controllable synthesis of copper nanoparticles was proposed. The DNA sequence of polythymine was extended at the 3 'end of the primer DNA by using the non template chain extension of the terminal transferase. When the ascorbic acid and copper ions were present, they could be in the polythorax. It was found that the influence of the change of the enzyme concentration on the synthesized product was more obvious than that of the change of the enzyme reaction time. By characterizing the copper nanoparticles obtained by the synthesis, it was found that the concentration of the terminal transferase could be changed to the size of the copper nanoparticles and the fluorescence longevity. The interaction between polynucleic acid kinase and the 3 'terminal phosphoric acid group of DNA was used to establish a sensitive detection method for polynucleic acid kinase (.4), and the DNA functionalized metal organic frame material was prepared. There was a pion pion accumulation between the ligand of the metallized organic frame material and the nucleosides in the DNA molecule, so that the probe DNA was adsorbed on the metal. The organic framework material surface. The element structure containing copper ion center in the metal frame material can effectively quench the labeled fluorescent dye. When the target DNA molecule exists, the double stranded DNA structure makes the dye far away from the surface of the metal frame material and destroys the photoinduced charge transfer effect and the dye fluorescence recovery. We use the synchronous fluorescence. Scanning method realized the simultaneous detection of two kinds of DNA molecules by DNA functionalized metalorganic frameworks.
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