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发布时间:2018-07-23 08:54
【摘要】:本论文从能源短缺、环境污染以及光伏行业的发展现状入手,引出了铜铟镓硒(CIGS)薄膜太阳能电池,并对CIGS薄膜电池、工作原理和性能参数,以及CIGS薄膜的制备做了简单的介绍。实验选用磁控溅射法,在钠钙玻璃基底上真空镀制吸收层CIGS薄膜、缓冲层硫化镉(CdS)薄膜和窗口层(ZnO)薄膜。通过相关的检测设备X-射线检测仪、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等。对各层材料探索了不同衬底温度、不同退火温度和不同功率等工艺条件对CIGS薄膜表面形貌和结晶性的影响进行了研究。论文得到了以下主要结果: 磁控溅射法制备CIGS吸收层薄膜。固定靶材距基片的距离为10cm,本底真空度为4.0×10-4Pa,气体压强为5.5×10-1Pa,氩气流量为31标准毫升/分钟(sccm),功率为125W等工艺参数,在玻璃衬底上分别以不同工艺参数制备CIGS薄膜,镀得的薄膜厚度为2μm,随后在氩气保护气氛下对CIGS薄膜进行退火处理。由XRD图谱检测分析,对比标准卡片,制得的CIGS薄膜各个峰位一致,说明制得的CIGS薄膜具有黄铜矿结构。 不同衬底温度溅射沉积CIGS薄膜。在薄膜生长过程中,,衬底温度是决定薄膜结构的重要条件,对薄膜生长特性有很大影响。实验固定功率为125W,不经退火,制得的不同衬底温度的CIGS薄膜表面随着衬底温度的升高,表面形貌变粗糙。300℃及以下温度溅射时薄膜表面较为均匀、平坦,400℃及以上温度溅射所得的薄膜存在较多内部缺陷,表面粗糙,有龟裂现象。衬底温度低于200℃时,CIGS薄膜为非晶结构;随着衬底温度升高,CIGS薄膜的(112)衍射峰逐渐升高,薄膜的结晶性越来越明显。 不同退火温度对CIGS薄膜的影响。退火处理使材料发生再结晶,改善材料的结晶性、相组成等性能,进而改善材料的光学和电学性能。固定溅射功率125W,室温溅射,取出后在氩气保护气氛下不同温度退火60min。CIGS薄膜的衍射峰经退火处理后较退火前得到了明显的增强,CIGS薄膜的结晶性有明显改善,实验所制备的CIGS薄膜具有良好的黄铜矿结构。随着退火温度的升高,CIGS薄膜的衍射峰先变强后边弱,在衬底温度为400℃时(112)晶向的衍射峰最强,此时薄膜表面的原子具有较高的表面扩散能力,能够占据有效晶格位置,使低表面能的晶格得以生长。另一方面,室温溅射后退火薄膜表面出现破碎的气泡,使得薄膜表面形貌得到破坏。气泡的成分为InSe相。 不同衬底温度溅射CIGS薄膜400℃退火。经检测分析,在衬底温度过低和衬底温度过高情况下沉积的CIGS薄膜表面均气泡较多。在衬底温度为400℃时,CIGS薄膜表面气泡较少、平坦、致密、连续性强,是实验比较理想的CIGS薄膜。当衬底温度过高时,出现了InSe相,CIGS薄膜的晶向生长随机性增强。在钠钙玻璃基底上400℃溅射并经400℃退火所得的CIGS薄膜具有良好的黄铜矿结构、符合化学计量比、结晶性较高,且薄膜表面质量较高。 不同功率溅射沉积CIGS薄膜。溅射功率对CIGS薄膜结晶性、形貌、物相结构和晶粒的择优取向等方面有影响。室温溅射,不经退火处理,改变功率条件制得CIGS薄膜。随着溅射功率的增加,(112)衍射峰先变强后变弱。当功率升高到一定程度时,CIGS薄膜沿(112)晶向的优先生长受到抑制,晶向随机取向性增强。当溅射功率为165W时,CIGS薄膜出现最强的(112)方向择优取向,而CIGS薄膜结晶的择优取向的原因及对薄膜太阳能电池性能的具体影响现在尚在研究中。 磁控溅射法制备硫化镉(CdS)薄膜。CdS薄膜在CIGS薄膜电池中作为缓冲层有很重要的作用,CdS薄膜作为缓冲层在电池的研究中必不可少。实验主要研究了退火对CdS薄膜的影响,制得的CdS薄膜在2θ=26.7度处有很强的峰值,对应于六方相的(002)面或者立方相的(111)面,适合于在CIGS薄膜太阳能电池中使用。400℃退火使CdS晶格长大,晶粒变得均匀,减少了薄膜的晶格缺陷,提高了薄膜的致密性、平整度,改善了薄膜的性能。 磁控溅射法制备氧化锌(ZnO)薄膜。ZnO薄膜是CIGS薄膜电池的窗口层。本实验在玻璃衬底上直流、300℃溅射制备ZnO薄膜,设定不同温度退火。得到的薄膜结构致密,结晶性良好,XRD分析呈现出很强的(002)特征峰。
[Abstract]:In this paper, copper indium gallium selenium (CIGS) thin film solar cells are introduced from energy shortage, environmental pollution and the current development of photovoltaic industry. The working principle and performance parameters of CIGS thin film batteries, and the preparation of CIGS thin film are briefly introduced. The experiment uses magnetron sputtering to vacuum the absorption layer of CI on the base of sodium calcium glass. GS film, buffer layer cadmium sulfide (CdS) film and window layer (ZnO) thin film. Through the related detection equipment, X- ray detector, scanning electron microscope (SEM) and so on. The influence of different substrate temperature, different annealing temperature and different power conditions on the surface morphology and crystallinity of CIGS film was investigated. The following main results are:
The CIGS absorption layer film is prepared by magnetron sputtering. The distance between the fixed target and the substrate is 10cm, the vacuum degree of the base is 4 x 10-4Pa, the gas pressure is 5.5 x 10-1Pa, the argon flow rate is 31 ml / min (SCCM), the power is 125W, and the CIGS film is prepared on the glass substrate with different process parameters, and the thickness of the plating film is 2 u m, Then the CIGS film was annealed under the argon atmosphere. The XRD atlas was used to analyze and compare the standard cards. The different peaks of the prepared CIGS films show that the CIGS film has a chalcopyrite structure.
CIGS film is deposited at different substrate temperature. During the film growth, the substrate temperature is an important condition for determining the structure of the film, and it has a great influence on the growth characteristics of the film. The experimental fixed power is 125W. The surface of the CIGS film with different substrate temperature is rough with the increase of the bottom temperature, and the surface morphology becomes.300 C and the surface morphology becomes rough. At lower temperature, the film surface is more uniform and flat. There are many internal defects, rough surface and crack. The CIGS film is amorphous structure when the substrate temperature is lower than 200. As the substrate temperature rises, the (112) diffraction peak of the CIGS film increases and the crystallinity of the film becomes more and more clear. Obvious.
The effect of annealing temperature on CIGS film. Annealing treatment made the material recrystallized, improved the crystallinity and phase composition of the material, and then improved the optical and electrical properties of the material. The sputtering power of 125W, sputtering at room temperature and annealed at different temperatures of the 60min.CIGS films were annealed after annealing. The crystallinity of the CIGS film is obviously improved and the CIGS film prepared by the experiment has a good chalcopyrite structure. As the annealing temperature increases, the diffraction peak of the CIGS film becomes stronger and the diffraction peak at the substrate temperature of 400 (112) is the strongest, at this time the atom on the surface of the film is higher. The surface diffusion ability can occupy the effective lattice position and make the lattice of low surface energy grow. On the other hand, the surface of the thin film surface appears broken bubbles after sputtering at room temperature. The surface morphology of the film is destroyed. The composition of the bubble is InSe phase.
The CIGS films deposited at different substrate temperatures are annealed at 400 C. The surface of the deposited CIGS films deposited on the substrate temperature is too low and the substrate temperature is too high. At the substrate temperature of 400, the CIGS film has less bubbles, flat, compact and strong continuity. It is an ideal CIGS film for the experiment. When the substrate temperature is too high, In InSe phase, the crystal growth randomness of CIGS films is enhanced. The CIGS films deposited at 400 C on the sodium calcium glass substrate and annealed at 400 C have a good chalcopyrite structure, which conforms to the stoichiometric ratio, with higher crystallinity and the higher surface quality of the films.
The sputtering power has an effect on the crystallinity, morphology, phase structure and preferred orientation of the CIGS film. The sputtering power has the effect on the CIGS films. The CIGS films are prepared by sputtering at room temperature without annealing and changing the power condition. As the sputtering power increases, the diffraction peak becomes stronger and then weakens. When the power increases to a certain extent, the CIGS is increased to a certain extent, CIGS The preferential growth of the film along (112) crystal direction is suppressed and the crystal direction is random orientation. When the sputtering power is 165W, the CIGS film has the strongest (112) orientation preferred orientation. The reasons for the preferred orientation of the CIGS film and the specific response to the performance of the thin film solar cells are still in the study.
The preparation of cadmium sulfide (CdS) thin film.CdS film by magnetron sputtering is very important in the CIGS thin film battery as a buffer layer. As a buffer layer, CdS film is indispensable in the study of the battery. The effect of Annealing on the CdS film is mainly studied. The obtained CdS film has a strong peak at 2 theta =26.7 degrees, corresponding to (002) of the six square phase. The (111) surface of the surface or cubic phase is suitable for the use of.400 C in the CIGS thin film solar cell to grow the CdS lattice, the grain becomes uniform, the lattice defect of the thin film is reduced, the density and the evenness of the film are improved, and the properties of the film are improved.
The.ZnO film of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) film prepared by magnetron sputtering is the window layer of the CIGS thin film battery. This experiment is made on the glass substrate by DC, and the ZnO thin film is prepared by sputtering at 300 C. The thin film is annealed at different temperatures. The obtained thin film has a compact structure and good crystallinity, and the XRD analysis shows a strong (002) characteristic peak.


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