[Abstract]:High speed train brake materials have two main objectives: high and stable friction coefficient and good wear resistance. The material composition and friction conditions are the key factors to determine the friction and wear properties. Therefore, it is of great significance to study their effects on the properties of friction materials. In this paper, three component materials of copper-graphite-molybdenum ferroalloy were prepared by powder metallurgy technology. The effect of ferromolybdenum alloy on the tribological properties of the material was discussed for the first time by friction and wear test and microstructure analysis. The friction and wear properties of the materials under different friction conditions were also discussed. The results show that the friction coefficient and wear resistance increase with the increase of the content of ferromolybdenum alloy in the range of 0-20%, and the friction coefficient and wear resistance tend to be stable. The reason is that the molybdenum ferroalloy with high hardness exerts the effect of hard point, strengthens the softening resistance of matrix, reduces the ploughing degree of 0.2, and the friction and wear properties are affected by the pressure and the speed when the friction speed is constant. The friction coefficient fluctuates with the change of pressure between 200-1000r/min and the sharp degree and breaking degree of the rigid convex body on the friction surface. When the friction velocity is at 2500-3000r/min, the pressure increases and the third body of the surface remains continuous and dense. Stable friction coefficient. However, the temperature rise caused by the pressure increases the ploughing of the surface, increases the wear rate. When friction is changed, the initial velocity of the raising speed increases with the increase of the temperature, and the third body shear and the ploughing increase with the increase of the velocity. The friction coefficient is unstable in the process of decelerating initial velocity 3000- final velocity 0r/min, the compact third body is broken up, the surface roughness becomes larger, the friction coefficient increases by .4. compared with dry friction, wet friction can reduce the friction coefficient. At the same time, the degree of reduction is related to the friction speed. At constant speed 200r/min, the difference of dry and wet friction coefficient is about 0.35. With the increase of velocity, high temperature and centrifugal force promote water evaporation and "throw out" the friction surface. The difference between dry and wet friction coefficient is reduced to 0.1.
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