[Abstract]:Laminated plate is a composite material structure consisting of two or more layers of single-layer plates laid and bonded in a certain order. Each layer of single-layer plate is called one layer of this material. However, the interlaminar failure strength, including interlaminar tensile strength and interlaminar shear strength, is weaker than in-plane failure strength, and often causes matrix and interlaminar breakage in the course of use. The stiffness of the material is an intrinsic parameter that does not destroy the experimental material. It can be used to measure the damage condition of the material in use. Based on the general function of the interlaminar shear stress, this paper deduces the plane of the elastic body. Based on the principle of minimum complementary energy and the treatment of distribution coefficients of statically indeterminate boundary conditions, the general expression of the governing equation is derived. The symmetrical lamination of composite materials is calculated by the finite difference method. In this paper, a general theoretical method for calculating in-plane modulus of elasticity of composite laminates with matrix cracks is presented. In view of the shear behavior of orthogonal laminates, the influence of non-smooth crack resistance is considered, and the analytical solution of the governing equation is obtained. The effective shear modulus of orthogonal symmetrical laminates with transverse matrix cracks is obtained and compared with the existing theoretical models and experimental results.
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